
Helpers for rotating images and creating their thumbnails. Mostly browser-only.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webexHelperImage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@webex/helper-image';



standard-readme compliant

Helpers for rotating images and creating their thumbnails. Mostly browser-only.


npm install --save @webex/helper-image


updateImageOrientation(file, options)

Updates the image file with exif information, required to correctly rotate the image activity. Can specify options.shouldNotAddExifData to not add exif information. For example, clients may not need the exif data added if browsers already auto orient the image

readExifData(file, buf)

Adds exif orientation information on the image file

orient(options, file)

Rotates/flips the image on the canvas as per exif information


This package is maintained by Cisco Webex for Developers.


Pull requests welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.


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