
My webpack project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import whiteMatrixBinanceWallet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@white-matrix/binance-wallet';


🚀 Welcome to your new awesome project!

This project has been created using webpack scaffold, you can now run

npm run compile


yarn compile

to bundle your application

注册 wallet

    const registerWallet = ctx.registerWallet({
        walletId: string,
        walletProvider: any,
        init: () => Promise<void | Error>,
        fetchNetWork: () => Promise<string>,
        fetchAccount: () => Promise<Wallet.IWalletAccount[]>,
        deploy: (
            data: Wallet.IDeployContractActionData
        ) => Observable<IEvent<EEventType>>,
        interact: (
            data: Wallet.IInteractContractActionData
        ) => Observable<IEvent<EEventType>>,


    const config: PluginConfigurations = {
        pluginId: 'BinanceWallet',
        version: '0.0.1',
        type: PluginType.server,
        projectIds: [],
        active: true,
        description: {
            title: 'Binance Wallet Service',
            icon: '#CommentSolid',
            description: 'binance wallet service'

打包 wallet

package.jsonname修改为walletId,并在chain ide中添加相应的钱包数据