
In memory storage that can be used as an off-chain data adapter in @windingtree/wt-js-libs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import windingtreeOffChainAdapterInMemory from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@windingtree/off-chain-adapter-in-memory';


Winding Tree Off Chain Data Adapter - In memory

Greenkeeper badge

Very simple in-memory key-value storage that can be used in Winding Tree wt-js-libs.


npm install @windingtree/off-chain-adapter-in-memory
# or
git clone https://github.com/windingtree/off-chain-adapter-in-memory
nvm install
npm install


import { WtJsLibs } from '@windingtree/wt-js-libs';
import InMemoryAdapter from '@windingtree/off-chain-adapter-in-memory';

const libs = WtJsLibs.createInstance({
  onChainDataOptions: {
    provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
  offChainDataOptions: {
    adapters: {
      'in-memory': {
        options: {
          // some: options
        create: (options) => {
          return new InMemoryAdapter(options);
const index = await libs.getWTIndex('hotels', '0x...');
const hotel = await index.getHotel('0x...');
// Accessing off-chain data - url is actually stored on chain
const hotelDescriptionUrl = await (await hotel.dataIndex).ref;
// This data is fetched from some off-chain storage
const hotelDescription = await (await hotel.dataIndex).contents.description;
const hotelName = await hotelDescription.contents.name;