
Wire's internal configuration copy tool

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wireappCopyConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wireapp/copy-config';



This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com.

You can find the published source code at github.com/wireapp.

For licensing information, see the attached LICENSE file and the list of third-party licenses at wire.com/legal/licenses/.


Wire's internal configuration copy tool.


yarn add @wireapp/copy-config

CLI Setup

Create a configuration file following the cosmiconfig standard (e.g. .copyconfigrc.js) to your project and add parameters (see CopyConfigOptions.ts).

Note: the files parameter needs to be specified, all other are optional.

Environment variables

Additionally, some parameters can be set via environment variables (which then take precedence above all other configuration):

Parameter Environment variable Example
externalDir WIRE_CONFIGURATION_EXTERNAL_DIR /home/user/externalDir
files WIRE_CONFIGURATION_FILES /path/to/source.txt:/path/to/destination.txt;/path/to/source/:/path/to/destination/
repositoryUrl WIRE_CONFIGURATION_REPOSITORY /path/to/anotherDir/*:[/path/to/thirdDir/,/path/to/destinationDir/]

CLI Usage


API Usage

See cli.ts.