
Text input with an autocomplete menu

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workdayCanvasKitLabsReactCombobox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-combobox';


Canvas Kit Combobox

LABS: Beta This component is work in progress and currently in pre-release.

For a full suite of examples, have a look at the Combobox Stories.


yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-combobox


This module uses the ARIA 1.0 Combobox spec. The newer ARIA 1.1 spec does not have full browser/screenreader support yet.

See here for differences between ARIA 1.0 and 1.1


import {Combobox} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-combobox';
import {MenuItem} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react-menu';
import {TextInput} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-text-input';
import {FormField} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react-form-field';

const autocompleteCallback = event => console.log('Adjust menu items here')

<FormField id='id-123' label='Example'>
    autocompleteItems={[<MenuItem>Item 1</MenuItem>]}
    onFocus={() => { console.log('focus') }}
    onBlur={() => { console.log('blur') }}
    <TextInput placeholder="Autocomplete" autoFocus={true} />

Static Properties


Component Props


children: React.ReactElement<TextInputProps>

The TextInput component to wrap.


initialValue: string

Initial value to set the input to.

showClearButton: boolean

Show button to clear input field.

clearButtonVariant: IconButtonVariant

The type of icon button to use for clearing input.

Default: IconButton.Variant.Plain

clearButtonAriaLabel: string

Screenreader Label for the clear button.

Default: 'Reset Search Input'

autocompleteItems: React.ReactElement<MenuItemProps>[] | ComboBoxMenuItemGroup[]

An array of MenuItems to show under the input. You can also optional group the results.

onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>

Callback to listen when the TextInput changes. This is usually used to update the autocomplete items.

onFocus: React.FocusEventHandler

Callback to listen when the TextInput focuses.

onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler

Callback to listen when the TextInput blurs.

getStatusText: (listCount: number) => string

A function to generate the text for screen readers announcing the autocomplete count