
Markdown and syntax highlighting for @wq/app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wqMarkdown from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@wq/markdown';



@wq/markdown is a @wq/app plugin that adds Markdown and syntax highlighting capabilities to the renderer.


npm install @wq/markdown

Note: As of version 2.0, @wq/markdown is only compatible with the @wq/material renderer. To integrate with the classic @wq/jquery-mobile renderer, install @wq/markdown 1.x.


By default, @wq/markdown looks for a markdown property on the current context. If present, the included view overrides will render the Markdown with react-markdown and react-syntax-highlighter. @wq/markdown specifies @wq/material-based renderers like <Typography/> for the main block types, and automatically distinguishes between internal @wq/router-handled <Link/>s and external <a href/>s. @wq/markdown can be configured to look for a different input context variable, or the exported <Markdown/> component can be used in a custom view.


// src/index.js
import app from '@wq/app';
import markdown from '@wq/markdown';
import config from './config';

// In src/config.js:
// config.markdown = {'input': 'markdown' };


@wq/markdown includes the react-markdown highlight.js parsers for Bash, JavaScript, Python, and XML.