
Verify your deployed smart contracts on Etherscan/Blockscout from the Truffle CLI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import zcorefinanceTruffleSourceVerify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@zcorefinance/truffle-source-verify';



This truffle plugin allows you to automatically verify your smart contracts' source code on Etherscan/Blockscout, straight from the Truffle CLI.

It extends truffle-plugin-verify to also support Blockscout.


  1. Install the plugin with npm or yarn

    yarn add @zcorefinance/truffle-source-verify


    npm i -D @zcorefinance/truffle-source-verify
  2. Add the plugin to your truffle-config.js file

    module.exports = {
      /* ... rest of truffle-config */
      plugins: ["truffle-source-verify"],
  3. Add ZCore Testnet network

      provider: function() {
        return new HDWalletProvider("PRIVATE_KEY", "https://rpc-testnet.zcore.cash")
      network_id: "3331",
      gasPrice: 1000000000,


On the command-line

Before running verification, make sure that you have actually deployed your contracts to a public network with Truffle.

To verify your contracts on ZCore, run:

npx truffle run blockscout SomeContractName AnotherContractName --network zcrTestnet --license UNLICENSED [--debug]

See truffle-plugin-verify for more information.

In Javascript

// file: ./scripts/test_verify.js
// Usage: npx truffle exec ./scripts/test_verify.js --network rinkeby

const { verify } = require("truffle-source-verify/lib");

async function main() {
  const idx = process.argv.indexOf("--network");
  const network = process.argv[idx + 1];
  await verify(["BasicContract"], network, "UNLICENSED");

module.exports = (cb) => main().then(cb).catch(cb);