
React Zen Bus is a React binding for Zen Bus.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import zenstackReactZenBus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@zenstack/react-zen-bus';


React Zen Bus ☮️

React Zen Bus is a React binding for Zen Bus.


yarn add @zenstack/react-zen-bus


npm install @zenstack/react-zen-bus


useSubscribe(:eventBus, :eventToHandlerMap)

The useSubscribe hooks allows your event handlers to subscribe to the event bus when your component mounts. In addition, it will unsubscribe your handlers when the components unmount.

import {createEventBus, EventType, EventHandler} from "@zenstack/zen-bus";
import {useSubscribe} from "@zenstack/react-zen-bus";

const myTodoList = ['Clean Toilet'];
const addToList = (event) => myTodoList.push(event.title);
const logEvent = (event) => console.log(event);

const subscriptions: [EventType<any>, EventHandler<any>][] = [
    ["Todo Added", addToList],
    ["Todo Added", logEvent]

 * Once this component mounts, addToLis and logEvent will both 
 * susbcribe to the event bus and execute when an event of type "Todo Added" has been emitted.
 * They both will unsubscribe from the event bus when the component unmounts.
const MyComponent = () => {
    useSubscribe(eventBus, subscriptions);
    return (