
LTS Nodejs and Javascript library for decoding data params and events from ethereum transactions"

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import abiDecoderLts from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/abi-decoder-lts';



Nodejs and Javascript library for decoding data params and events from etherem transactions


npm install abi-decoder
bower install abi-decoder


<script src="bower_components/abi-decoder/dist/abi-decoder.js"> // Javascript
const abiDecoder = require('abi-decoder'); // NodeJS

Add ABI's

Need to pass the ABI's manually to the library in order to be able to decode params later

const testABI = [
    inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "" }],
    constant: true,
    name: "isInstantiation",
    payable: false,
    outputs: [{ type: "bool", name: "" }],
    type: "function",
    inputs: [
      { type: "address[]", name: "_owners" },
      { type: "uint256", name: "_required" },
      { type: "uint256", name: "_dailyLimit" },
    constant: false,
    name: "create",
    payable: false,
    outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "wallet" }],
    type: "function",
    inputs: [
      { type: "address", name: "" },
      { type: "uint256", name: "" },
    constant: true,
    name: "instantiations",
    payable: false,
    outputs: [{ type: "address", name: "" }],
    type: "function",
    inputs: [{ type: "address", name: "creator" }],
    constant: true,
    name: "getInstantiationCount",
    payable: false,
    outputs: [{ type: "uint256", name: "" }],
    type: "function",
    inputs: [
      { indexed: false, type: "address", name: "sender" },
      { indexed: false, type: "address", name: "instantiation" },
    type: "event",
    name: "ContractInstantiation",
    anonymous: false,

Decode Tx data

const testData =
const decodedData = abiDecoder.decodeMethod(testData);

Decode Logs from Tx Receipt

  function (e, receipt) {
    const decodedLogs = abiDecoder.decodeLogs(receipt.logs);