
Actions Creator is an awesome tiny javascript package that allows you to dynamically and easily create callbackable-actions standardized objects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import actionsCreator from '';


Actions Creator


Actions Creator is an awesome tiny javascript package that allows you to dynamically and easily create callbackable-actions standardized objects.
It was originally used to create redux actions, but it can be used anywhere when it is needed.


npm install actions-creator


import actionsCreator from "actions-creator"
//      CommonJS usage
//      const actionsCreator = require("actions-creator")

const first_action = actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION("arg1", "arg2")
//      {
//          type: "MY/FIRST/ACTION",
//          args: ["arg1", "arg2"],
//          cb: f() identity,
//          _index: 1
//      } 

const second_action =
//      {
//          type: "This/is/my/second/action",
//          args: [2021],
//          cb: f() identity,
//          _index: 2
//      } 

//      If we just need to generate an action type as a string,
//      we can do it easily
const type1 = String(actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION)

//      or when doing any string conversion
const type2 = actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION + ""

As we see in the example above, every action object has following fields:

  • type <String> action type as a string
  • args <Array> any array that contains all the data needed for the action
  • cb <Function> callback function by default is identity function (x => x), but we can pass any function if we need to have a callback. The next example below shows how to pass that.
  • _index <Integer> positive integer number (1, 2, 3, ...)․ It is created automatically and shows action order by index. It can be used as a unique identifier or help understand which action was created earlier(in rare cases, it may be necessary)

Actions With Callback

Sometimes we need the action to have callback capability. It might be necessary in many cases.
Actions Creator allows us to do this in a beautiful way:
When we try to generate an action object, we can pass the callback function as the last argument. Actions Creator will check and if the last argument is a function, it will be considered as a callback function.

import actionsCreator from "actions-creator"

const my_callback = () => {
    console.log("Hello, I am callback!!!")

const callbackable_action = actionsCreator.CALLBACKABLE.EXAMPLE(1, 2, 3, my_callback)

//      {
//          type: "CALLBACKABLE/EXAMPLE",
//          args: [1, 2, 3],
//          cb: f() my_callback,
//          _index: 1
//      }

//      "Hello, I am callback!!!"


We do not recommend to customize, but if you need to do it, you can easily do that:
see: Produce By Path Pattern

