
A light-weight JS library to rotate advertisements.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adRotator from '';



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A fast, light-weight and highly configurable JS library to rotate advertisements.


  • allows you to display native advertisements to adblock users
  • is a light-weight library, only ~4Kb minified and gzipped
  • supports completely responsive multiple ad instances customizable to the very pixel
  • Enables you to display device specific ads i.e. ads targeted towards mobile/desktop
  • Provides custom callbacks that can be used for analytics, statistics, logging, etc...
  • has built-in support for sticky advertisements
  • permits assigning weight/priority to Ad unit(s) to increase its chances of being shown
  • has a Fallback Mode i.e. kicks in only when your primary Ad network fails (for example, due to an Adblocker)
  • supports almost every browser! (*Only IE is unsupported, but you may use a polyfill)
  • is completely free and open source


Here is a Live Demo of Ad-rotation in action. You will find live examples that can tinkered with to get a clearer picture about what you could expect from this library.


# you can install ad-rotator with npm
$ npm install --save ad-rotator

# Alternatively you can use Yarn
$ yarn add ad-rotator

Then include the library in your App/Page.

As a module,

// using ES6 modules
import rotator from 'ad-rotator';

// using CommonJS modules
var rotator = require('ad-rotator');

In the browser context,

<!-- Include the library -->
<script src="./node_modules/ad-rotator/dist/ad-rotator.js"></script>

<!-- Alternatively, you can use a CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- or with -->
<script src=""></script>

The library will be available as a global object at window.rotator


Ad-rotator.js requires 2 mandatory parameters to be setup. A 3rd optional parameter can be provided to override default values.

  • DOM element (required) - A container Element where the Ads should be displayed
  • Array (required) - An Array of Advertisements([{url: '', img: ''},...]) to be displayed. Each advertisement is expected to be an object with 2 mandatory keys img and url & an optional key weight -
let items = [
  {img: './assets/image.jpg', url: ''},                    // ad 1
  {img: '', url: '', weight: 5},  // ad 2
  {img: '', url: '', weight: 10}, // ad 3
  {img: '...', url: 'https...'}        // ad 4

img can be an absolute URL, a relative URL or even a base-64 encoded image. The weight key behaves differently depending on whether you are using sequential/random rotation. For sequential rotation, ads will be sorted by weight i.e. highest weight to the lowest weight. For random Ad rotation, weight adds a priority to each item. The higher the weight, the higher the chances of that Ad being shown.

  • Object (optional) - An Object with custom configuration options to override default values. (See all configuration options)


In Html, create an Element. This element will be used as a container to inject Ads.

<div id="containerElement"></div>

In CSS, provide a size to your container Element. Also, set img elements to 100% height/width to ensure they fill the container.

  #containerElement { /* set Ad size */
    height: 300px;
    width: 250px;
  img {               /* set img elements to be responsive */
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

Using the above styles, the displayed Ads will have a height of 300px and width of 250px. Ad sizes are completely controlled by the user. You are free to use media queries to further tweak the dimensions. See common sizes for responsive Ads to see Ad-dimensions that suit your needs.

In JS, create an Array with the advertisements to be displayed.

// An array with the advertisements to display
let items = [
    { url: '', img: ''},
    { url: '', img: ''}

Then Initialize adRotator by passing the DOM Element and the Array of advertisements as parameters

// initialize adRotator
const instance = rotator(
// start the rotation

That's it! You should now have Ad-rotation in action! The library sets sensible defaults on initialization. For example, Ads are rotated in a random fashion by default. You can provide a 3rd optional configuration parameter to override this and fine tune the settings of your adrotator. See configuration options for available variations.

NOTE: By default, adRotator is designed to fail silently for any configuration error. This means that it will neither pollute the DOM nor will it attach any events in case of an error. It will only log a console error to help you diagnose any configuration errors.

Configuration Options

Ad-rotator accepts the following configuration options and all of them are Optional.

Parameter Description Default
timer? : number The time after which an advertisement will be rotated in seconds. Lowest accepted value is 2s 5 (seconds)
target? : string The target device. Can be set to desktop, mobile or all. When set to desktop, ads will be shown only on a desktop device whereas when set to mobile, ads will be displayed on a mobile device alone. By default, ads are shown on all devices. "all"
cb?: (unit: AdUnit, El: HTMLElement, conf: AdConfig) A callback that is executed on every image rotation. The callback receives 3 parameters cb(currentAdUnit, parentElement, configParams). This callback can be used for analytics, to programmatically control the rotator instance or for any other purpose. undefined
onHover?: (item: AdUnit, El: HTMLElement) A callback that is executed on hovering over an Ad unit. The callback receives 2 parameters cb(currentAdUnit, parentElement). undefined
onClick?: (e: MouseEvent, unit: AdUnit) A callback that is executed on clicking an Ad unit. The callback receives 2 parameters (event, currentAdUnit) undefined
imgClass? : string Class that should be added to the image Tag ""
linkClass? : string Class that should be added to the link Tag ""
objectFit? : string The object-fit property that should be used for the image (inherit,contain,cover, fill,... "inherit"
random? : boolean The advertisements are rotated in a random fashion by default. Set to false to have them rotated sequentially true
newTab? : boolean Set to true to open the advertisement URL in a new Tab false
fallbackMode? : boolean Sets the working mode of the library. When set to true, the library is used only if it detects an Adblocker, otherwise it does absolutely nothing i.e. it neither pollutes the DOM nor attaches any events false
sticky? : {} Allows sticky Ads. By default, Ads shown are not sticky. To enable sticky Ads, pass an empty object sticky: {}. You can customize sticky Ads by providing the following properties - undefined
sticky: {
    beforeEl: document.querySelector('.start'),
    afterEl: document.querySelector('.end'),
    offsetTop: '10',        // or '10px' (defaults to 0px)
    offsetBottom: '150px',  // or '150'  (defaults to 0px)
    noMobile: true          // disable stickiness on mobile (defaults to false)
// beforeEl => Element after which the Ad becomes sticky
// afterEl => Element before which Ad stops being sticky

A css class stickyElx is added dynamically to the sticky Element's container to allow further customization such as modifying css properties (like z-index), using media queries and so on.


It is possible to change configuration options after instantiation.

// init adRotator with default options
const instance = rotator( /* options */ )
// update config after instantiation to change to sequential rotation
instance.conf.random = false;



Starts the Ad-Rotation

const instance = rotator(
        { url: '', img: ''},
        { url: '', img: ''}
    { target: 'mobile' }  // configuration options
instance.start();         // starts the rotation


Pauses the Rotation. However, if the user clicks/hovers the Ad or scrolls away from the Ad such that it is not visible anymore & then scrolls back to it, rotation will resume automatically. Rotation cannot be paused permanently because that would beat the purpose of this library.

const instance = rotator( /* options */ )
instance.pause();                  // pauses the rotation

/* You can also use "pause" in the cb(callback) config option to
 * pause every advertisement after it has been clicked/hovered upon
instance.conf.cb = instance.pause;

See cb(callback) config option for further details on its usage.

To resume the rotation, simply call adRotatorInstance.resume()


Resumes the Rotation.

const instance = rotator( /* options */ )
instance.resume();        // resumes the rotation

Use adRotatorInstance.resume() to resume a paused rotation.


Inject a new Advertisement into the adRotator.

const instance = rotator( /* options */ )
    url: '',
    img: './path-to-img'

The newly injected Advertisement will be displayed in the next rotation cycle


Remove an item from the Advertisements array.

const instance = rotator( /* options */ )
instance.remove(); // remove the last item
instance.remove(   // remove a specific item
    url: '', // url is optional
    img: './path-to-img'

The remove() method deletes the last item in the advertisements array. To remove a particular advertisement, you can also pass it a parameter (rotatorInstance.remove({ img: 'xyz.gif'})). The change in the Advertisements array will be reflected in the next rotation cycle


Destroys Ad Rotation. Cleans up the DOM and removes all associated events.

const instance = rotator( /* options */ )
instance.destroy();        // destroys the rotation, DOM and events

To reactivate adRotator, simply call adRotatorInstance.start()


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See the Changelog


MIT © DigitalFortress