
Advanced ellipsis available in JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import advancedEllipsis from '';


Advanced Ellipsis

It provides advanced ellipsis capabilities when the content box is small and only a part of the content needs to be shown, and part of the content is important.


Module usage without npm

npm i advanced-ellipsis
import AdvancedEllipsis from 'advanced-ellipsis';
const advancedEllipsis = new AdvancedEllipsis();

Module usage with CDN

<script type="module">
    import AdvancedEllipsis from '';
    const advancedEllipsis = new AdvancedEllipsis();

<script> tag Usage with CDN

<script src=""></script>
    var advancedEllipsis;
    window.onload = function () {
        advancedEllipsis = new AdvancedEllipsis();




const advancedEllipsis = new AdvancedEllipsis($selector);
const advancedEllipsis = new AdvancedEllipsis($options);
const advancedEllipsis = new AdvancedEllipsis($options, $selector);
// $selector is a string
// $options is an object

If $selector is not entered, '[data-ellipsis]' is set as the default.


|Methods|Description|Parameter|return| |-|-|-|-| |start|Set ellipsis according to the set $options and $attributes.
$status becomes true|-|this| |destroy|Restore the ellipsis set through the start().
$status becomes false|-|this| |restart|Restart when $status is start(true).|-|this|

|Methods|Description|Parameter|Parameter type|return| |-|-|-|-|-| |setElements|Set the element according to the $selector.
Existing elements are automatically destroy()|$selector|string|this| |getElements|Returns the set elements in an array.
Changing the returned array does not change the elements
(it is possible to change the element itself).|-|-|Array<HTMLElement>| |setOptions|Set the options according to the $options.
Calls restart() when options have changed|$options|object|this| |getOptions|Calls the set option.
Converting the returned object does not change the options.|-|-|object| |getOption|Returns the option value corresponding to $optionKey|$optionKey|string|boolean | number | string | object| |getStatus|Returns $status. If it is true, start() is in operation. If false, it is before start() or after destroy().|-|-|$status (boolean)|

Options and Attributes

common options

|Option|Description|Type|Default| |-|-|-|-| |mutationObserver|When this value is true and $status is start(true),
change the set element is detected.
Elements whose changes are detected are reset.|boolean|true| |defalutStyles|If the value is true, apply ellipsis by default.
If false, you have to modify the style yourself to ellipsis.
defalutStyles = {
 overflow: hidden;
 white-space: nowrap;
 text-overflow: ellipsis;
}|boolean|true| |useCloneNode|If the value is true, use cloneNode to determine ellipsis.
If false, use scrollWidth.|boolean|false| |showOption|It gives special effects to ellipsis processed nodes.
'static': I only apply ellipsis.
'flow': Text flows sideways when a mouse hover or touch is touched.
'flow-auto': Text automatically flows sideways.
'tooltip': Text flows sideways when a mouse hover or touch is touched.|string|'static'|

flow options

When showOption or data-ellipsis-show-option is 'flow' or 'flow-auto' |Option|Description|Type|Unit|Default| |-|-|-|-|-| |flowDelay|The delay time before the text flows.|number|ms|1000| |flowAfterDelay|The delay time after text flow is over.|number|ms|1000| |flowSpeed|The speed at which the text flows.|number|px / s|50| |flowPadding|Add the space at the end as the text flows.|number|px|20| |flowCount|The number of flows running after the event occurs.
when the showOption is 'flow'.|number|-|1| |flowCountPre|The number of flows that are executed as soon as the setting is made.
when the showOption is 'flow'.|number|-|0| |flowAutoCount|The number of flows when showOption is 'flow-auto'.|number|-|Infinity|

tooltip options

When showOption or data-ellipsis-show-option is 'tooltip' |Option|Description|Type|Default| |-|-|-|-| |tooltipShowAlways|Set to true if you want tooltips to appear even in non-ellipsis text.|boolean|false| |tooltipClass|The class applied to the tooltip that is created.
(Strings separated by spacebars)|string|'ellipsis_tooltip_box'| |tooltipDuration|The time when the tool tip is maintained. (unit: ms)|number|Default| |customTooltipStyles|Apply custom style to tool tip.|object|{ }|


If the element has the following prop, overwrite the options.


<div data-ellipsis data-ellipsis-show-option="flow-auto">ellipsis text...</div>
Attributes Description
data-show-option overwrite showOption
data-flow-count overwrite both flowCount and flowAutoCount
data-flow-count-pre overwrite flowCountPre
data-tooltip-show-always overwrite tooltipShowAlways
data-tooltip-id The class applied to the tooltip that is created.
data-tooltip-class The id applied to the tooltip that is created.
(Strings separated by spacebars)


  • Elements only apply if they have only one text note as a child.
  • when showOption is 'flow', 'flow-auto' or 'tooltip',
    it detects mouseover or touchstart and operates.
  • The default value of elements is '[data-ellipsis]'.
  • Always follow the priority below


Attributes > custom Options > default Options

Tooltip Element Class

Attributes > tooltipElementClass

Tooltip Element Styles

!important styles > customTooltipStyles > defalutTooltipStyles > User-entered inline styles > css styles

customTooltipStyles and defalutTooltipStyles will be override User-entered inline styles


