
ES6 JS class for intervaled requests with retries and timeouts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import advancedrequest from '';



ES6 JS class for intervaled requests with retries and timeouts


npm install advancedrequest --save


Manager for sending HTTP requests with multiple tries, wait intervals, and timeouts
Uses node module 'request'

This can be configured by adding names as keys and values with requiredInterval
in order to WAIT before sending another request of that name. If you wanted to
only send one request with name DevAPI_SendFriendRequest per minute, set the
requiredInterval to 1000*60 and the minute will automatically be enforced

All 'lastruns' start with the moment of script start
to make sure script restarts don't accidentally disobey the interval

Simple GET request example

let advancedrequest = require('advancedrequest');

let requestData = await new advancedrequest.AdvancedRequest({
  url: ""

console.log("[+] API response received!", requestData);

Inheritance example

Here you can define our own logic to determine if a request was successful
or needs to be retried by subclassing advancedrequest.AdvancedRequest
Calling, messageToLog); will retry the request up to
10 times. This max can be passed in as an integer argument named maxRetries.
Call this.onFinish(; in order to complete the request

class DevApiRequest extends advancedrequest.AdvancedRequest {
  constructor (args) {
    super(args); // always call superclass constructor!
  // Override the postProcess function to provide your own checks
  postProcess () {
    // is the body of the request.
    if (! {
      // If the response was blank, call to retry the same request in 10 seconds, "Request was blank! Is connection to internet broken?");
    } else if ('Too many requests in the last hour!') != -1) {
      // If the API has a limit and tells you about it, you can call and retry in 1 hour*60, "Hit rate limit. Waiting 1 hour to retry");
    } else {
      // All was clear! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE this line at the end of your request!

// Then once you've written your DevApiRequest class, maybe you'd call it so:
function sendFriendRequestTo(targetId, callback) {
  let sendFriendRequestReq = new DevApiRequest({
      url: "",
      method: "POST",
      name: "sendFriendRequest", // NOTE: used as identifier for interval
      postData: { targetId: targetId, auth_token: "24t4534token42i5h2"},
      callback: callback


sendFriendRequestTo(252452, function(json) {
  console.log("[+] API response received!", json);

Intervaled request example

Enforce a defined interval between requests with the same 'name' passed into them. Using the DevApiRequest class, we first set lastRunHash with the proper interval

// Set interval timeouts for the requests of a particular name
  'sendFriendRequest': { requiredInterval: 1000*15 }, // 15 seconds
  'removeFriend':      { requiredInterval: 1000*5, lastReqTime: new Date().getTime() }

sendFriendRequestTo(34, function(json) {
  // 15 seconds will be waited before next request is sent out
  sendFriendRequestTo(35, function(json) {
    // 15 seconds will be waited before next request is sent out
    sendFriendRequestTo(36, function(json) {
      console.log("[+] 3 friend requests sent successfully with 15 seconds between them");
