
The MySQL active record base class, async-based

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adversDbrecord2 from '';


The MySQL active record base class with a synchronous database access by using Futures.

The instance of the class represents the database record. It can be used in to reading and write data, modify fields and so on.

Important: the code has to run within an async function.



    host: "host name",
    database: "database name",
    user: "user",
    password: "password",
    names: "optional encoding for SET NAMES"


class MyObject extends DbRecord {
    // Mandatory
    static _table() { return "mydb.myobjects"; }
    static _locatefield() { return "id"; }
    // Optional
    static _keys() { return [ "secondary_id" ]; }

// Create record
const obj = new MyObject();
try {
    await await obj.init();
} catch(ex) {
    console.error("Object initialization error:", ex);

await obj.commit();

// Use record
const obj = new MyObject({ id: 1 });
await obj.init();

// Process records in a transaction
dbh.execTransaction((trxDbh) => {
    const obj1 = new ObjectOne();
    await obj1.init();"my name");
    await obj1.commit();
    const obj2 = new ObjectTwo();
    await obj2.init();
    await obj2.commit();

The descendant class has to be created to represent the specific database object. Descendant classe has to provide at least following functions:

  • _table() { return "db-table-name"; }
  • _locatefield() { return "unique-id-field-name"; }


  • _keys() { return [ "secondary_key1", "secondary_key2", ... ]; }

Reading records

Records by primary key

To read existing record, the unique record id has to be passed to the class constructor:

var obj = new InheritedClass({ uniqueFieldName: 11111 });

After reading the record, the class will create the required get/set functions to access database row fields (e.g. let v = obj.some_field())

Records by secondary keys

The record can be created by secondary key. A single field:

class MyObject extends DbRecord {
    static _keys() { return [ "short" ]; }

var obj = new myObject({ shortname: "short" });

Or a complex key:

class MyObject extends DbRecord {
    static _keys() { return [ "field1,field2" ]; }

var obj = new myObject({ field1: "one", field2: "two" });

The list of secondary keys is to be provided in _keys() method, which returns the array of field names. Complex keys are being returned as a comma-separated string.

Missing records

The constructor will throw an exception if the record being located is not found.

If exception behavior is not desired, the tryCreate() static method can be called. It accepts the same arguments as constructor and returns either a new object created or null.

Creating records

To create the new record, the constructor is being called without the locate-field argument: let obj = new InheritedClass();

let obj = new InheritedClass();
await obj.init();
obj.some_field1("new value 1");
obj.some_field2("new value 2");
await obj.commit();

Until commit() is called, the value of locate-field of the new record is not know (obviously). During the commit(), class receives the new record ID from mysql and sets it accordingly:

await obj.commit();
console.log("New object ID",;

Removing records

The record can be removed by calling deleteRecord():

let obj = new SomeObject();
await obj.init();

Accessing record fields

During initialization (both while creating an empty object and reading an existing one) the instance of the class gets methods equal to the database fields.

E.g. the following table structure:

  • id
  • name
  • other_field

will result in the following access methods generated:;;

These fields can be used to read and write database fields:

const v = obj.other_field(); + 1);

Committing changes to the database

All changes sent to the access methods are delayed until the commit() is called:

obj.some_field1("new value 1");
obj.some_field2("new value 2");
await obj.commit();

Overriding access methods

It is possible to override an access method:

managed_field(value) {
    console.log("managed_field called");

    // Modify value when it is going to be set
    if(value !== undefined) {
        value += " (I am managed)";

    return this._super.managed_field(value);

Since access methods are generated automatically, the first-level managed fields should call this._super.field_name(value) to access an original access method.

This relates only to the first override. If access method is overriden twice or more, the latter overrides should use the regular JS super.field_name(value) call format.

Going through multiple records

To fetch records from the database table the static forEach() function is being used:

const cnt = await SomeObject.forEach({options}, async function(itm, options) {

The options can contain:

  1. table field names to use in selection query
  2. options to tune the iteration process
  3. other options to be passed to callback

The callback function receives itm and options arguments which are the object being currently processed and forEach options object.

The function returns the number of objects processed (this can differ from number of objects found, see COUNTER below).

Field names for query

All option entries which match the /[a-z0-9_.]/ pattern (thus, only lower-case letters) are being considered as query fields to use in WHERE part of the query:

await SomeObject.forEach({ name: "Some name" });
// turns to SELECT * FROM objects WHERE name="Some name"

Node: this is an experimental behavior.

Options to tune the iteration

These options are supposed to be upper-case or camel-case (to have a capital case letter and distinguish them from field names).

The following options can be used:

  • whereCond - the array of string raw conditions which will be added to the query
  • whereParam - the array of values to replace "?" in whereCond conditions
  • WHERE - appended to the query's WHERE as is
  • LIMIT - used as a query's LIMIT
  • ORDERBY - used as a query's ORDER BY
  • DEBUG_SQL_QUERY - output the resulting SQL query before launching it

Options passed to the callback

The original options object is being passed to the callback. Callback is free to modify it.

During the iteration, forEach automatically sets the following keys:

  • COUNTER - the number of records currently processed. This value is being returned as a forEach result at the end. If callback wants to affect the return value, options.COUNTER can be altered.
  • TOTAL - the total number of records found in QUERY


DbRecord supports transactions (except the nested transactions, this is to be done). To process operations within the SQL transaction, wrap the code to execTransaction:

await dbh.execTransaction(async (trxDbh) => {
    const obj1 = new ObjectOne();
    await obj1.init();"my name");
    await obj1.commit();
    const obj2 = new ObjectTwo();
    await obj2.init();
    await obj2.commit();

This will either process the whole block as a single database transaction. If any of the queries fail, or code throws an exception, the transaction is being rolled back.

Wrap the call to try...catch to catch the exceptions in a callback.

Database connection sharing

Since NodeJS shares the same MySQL connection across all executing code threads, the separate db connection is required. It is passed to the callback as trxDbh argument.

trxDbh is being used internally by DbRecord instances and usually is not required within the transaction function.

Object within the transaction

Since all objects within the transactions should use the transacted connection, all DbRecord objects should be local variables.

This code MAY NOT work as expected:

const obj = new ObjectOne(); // obj uses dbh_1 connection
await obj.init();"original name")

await dbh.execTransaction(async (dbh_2) => {
    // dbh_2 is transacted"new name"); // <== This still uses dbh_1, which is not transacted
    throw "Something happened!"; // Try to rollback

// > new name
// The db changes were not rolled back since they were made through dbh_1

The obj is being created outside of transaction and may use the wrong database connection.

Getting database handle

The database handle for the transaction can be obtained from any DbRecord object by calling static method masterDbh():

await MyObject.masterDbh().execTransaction(async () => {


Static access to database handle

Sometimes it is required to access the current database handle from within the static methods (for example, when creating db entry from a static create()).

To get the dbh handle, the masterDbh() static function can be used.

To be moved:

The MySQL connection wrapper which provides the following features:

  • "master" db connection factory function
  • sync queries (using Future)
  • async queries (using Promises - not tested yet)
  • nested transactions support (in progress)
  • connection pooling for transaction
  • local context of "master" db connection inside the transaction