
Broadcast component for A-Frame.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aframeBroadcastComponent from '';



A component to send and consume entity data over WebSockets for simple multiuser A-Frame.

The provided server simply relays all broadcasted data through WebSockets to the rest of the clients.

When the broadcast component is attached to an entity, it will emit all specified component data, the entity ID, and the parent's ID to the WebSocket server once every 10ms (will be adjustable later).

When another client receives that data, it uses it to create an element with the ID if it doesn't exist, and then sync the component data to the entity with setAttribute.


Property Description Default Value
send List of comma-delimited component names to broadcast position, rotation
url WebSocket server URL http://localhost:12000



There is a simple Node server in server/.

PORT=12000 node index.js

Browser Installation

Install and use by directly including the browser files:

  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

  <a-scene broadcast="">
    <a-entity broadcast="send: geometry, material, position, rotation"
              camera look-controls wasd-controls
              geometry="primitive: box"
              material="color: #222"
              position="0 1.8 5"></a-entity>

NPM Installation

Install via NPM:

npm install aframe-broadcast-component

Then register and use.
