
This app allows the generation of a Microsoft word docx document listing the events referenced in an OpenAgenda calendar. It relies on OpenAgenda calendars for content and the wonderful docxtemplater for docx generation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import agendaDocx from '';



This app allows the generation of a Microsoft word docx document listing the events referenced in an OpenAgenda calendar. It relies on OpenAgenda calendars for content and the wonderful docxtemplater for docx generation.

It provides the following functionality:

  • Front app for configuring and launching new jobs
  • Backend app for processing a job queue

Getting started


  • nodejs
  • An amazon bucket
  • An available redis implementation

Install the things:


Put the following config in a file:

"use strict";

module.exports = {
  s3: {
    region: 'eu-west-3',
    accessKeyId: 'yourawsaccesskeyid',
    secretAccessKey: 'yourawssecretaccesskeyid',
    bucket: 'someawsbucketname'
  redis: {
    port: 6379,
    host: 'localhost'
  queue: {
    namespace: 'docx',
    separator: ':'
  localTmpPath: '/var/tmp'

... and you should be good to go.

yarn start

Check localhost:3000 and click on the link to open the modal. The agenda used as basis for the generation of the document is this one:

It can be changed on the index.html file of this repo.

Alternatively, a basic cli tool can be used to run a docx generation from a terminal:

yarn cli

Bits and pieces

This repo implements every functionality required to have a working docx generation mechanism

  React UI Component
  Express app -> [ redis queue ] -> block pop task
        |                                |
     updates                           updates,  
        |                                |   generates docx,
        |                                |        uploads docx on s3
        --->state of docx export         |                |
            of one agenda on S3  <-------- <---------------

Here are the different parts:

  • UI Component: Allows users to see the state of the export, download a file when available, and queue requests to generate updated exports
  • Express app: Provides all endpoints required to interface with the UI. It enqueues any new request to generate a new export on a redis queue.
  • Task: Monitors the queue using a blocking pop. Processes docx generation request and uploads resulting documents on S3