
a Node.js file-watching template compiler for ejs and underscore templates

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import andre from '';



Andre is a Node.js file-watching template compiler for ejs and underscore templates. By default it will output compiled ejs templates as javascript files, although it can optionally output rendered templates files as well. Andre can optionally use underscore as its templating engine, or you can specify a custom template engine.


The example below would compile and watch ejs files in the 'src' directory and output javascript files in the 'dist' directory:

var andre = require('andre');'src', 'dist');


#### test

To run tests for Andre, [Mocha]( and [Expect.js]( must be installed.  If they are not, install them using npm, e.g.

```npm install mocha expect.js -g

To run the tests, clone this repo, cd to your local repo's directory and type


#### license

MIT (see LICENSE.txt)