
Angular library which contains components to embed PowerBi visuals.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import angularPowerbi from '';



Angular module which wraps PowerBI-JavaScript as service and adds a collection of components for each embedded type (Currently only Report is supported) which you can use to easily embed Power BI visuals within your Angular applications.


angular-powerbi.js includes the following:

  • Service: PowerBiService

    (Handles messaging communication between host frame/window and embedded powerbi visual iframes/windows)

  • Web Components

    1. Report Specific Component

      <powerbi-report embed-url="" access-token=""></powerbi-report>
    2. Generic Component

      <powerbi-component component=""></powerbi-component>

Getting started

  1. Install:

    npm install -save angular-powerbi
  2. Include the angular-powerbi.js file within your app:

    <script src="angular-powerbi.js"></script>
  3. Include the 'powerbi' module as a dependency of your app:

    app.module('app', [
  4. Fetch data to embed a visual from the server (embedUrl and accessToken) and make it available on controller scope.

    This would likely require using a factory or service to fetch report data from your local server. Example where the report is resolved when entering route:

    Route: return ReportsService.findById('5dac7a4a-4452-46b3-99f6-a25915e0fe55');


    findById(id: string): ng.IPromise<PowerBi.IReport> {
        return this.$http.get(`${this.baseUrl}/api/reports/${id}`)
            .then(response =>;

    If you need a sample server to test you can use the following:

  5. Insert the component in your template where you want to embed the visual:

    <powerbi-report embed-url="" access-token="" options="vm.reportOptions"></powerbi-report>