
Light animation library based on requestanimationframe

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import animare from '';




  • Light animation library for modern JavaScript.
  • Based on requestAnimationFrame() method which generates smooth animation and transitions.
  • Matching the monitor refresh rate of the device. Tested on 60Hz and 144Hz monitors.
  • Contains most popular easing timing functions with the ability to provide your own, check to learn more.
  • Animate multiple values with different easing function for each at once.


  • animare(options: object, callback: (values: number[], animationInfo: object) => void) : methods


import { animare } from 'animare';

const square = document.getElementById('square');

const animationOptions = {
  from: [0, 1],
  to: [90, 2],
  duration: 500,
  direction: 'normal',
  autoplay: false,
  easingFunction: ['linear', 'easeInOutBack'],

const animationCallback = ([rotate, scale]) => { = `rotate(${rotate}deg) scale(${scale})`;
  // ...

const myAnimation = animare(animationOptions, animationCallback);;

How to animate colors

  • you can ether use rgb values as an array of numbers or you can use colorToArr() method to convert colors from string to array of numbers which represents rgba values.

  • colorToArr() method takes a string and returns an array of number [r, g, b, a].

  • colorToArr() accept following formats: rgb(r, g, b) , rgba(r, g, b, a) , hex (e.g. "#ffffff ") , color name (e.g. "red")

Example for colors animation

import { animare, colorToArr } from 'animare';

const circle = document.getElementById('circle');

const animationOptions = {
  from: colorToArr('brown'), // return [163, 54, 54]
  to: colorToArr('#000000'), // return [0, 0, 0]
  duration: 1000,
  easingFunction: 'easeInSine',

const animationCallback = ([r, g, b]) => { = `rgb(${r} ${g} ${b})`;

animare(animationOptions, animationCallback); // auto play

Options [Object]

from: [ number | numbers[] ] [optional]

  • Animation will start form value/s.
  • Takes one number or array of numbers, if a value not provided will be set to 0 | 0[] by default.
  • Initial Value 0 | [0, 0 , ...]

to: [ number | numbers[] ]

  • Animation will ends at this value/s.
  • takes one number or array of numbers.

duration: [number] [optional]

  • Animation duration in milliseconds.
  • Initial Value 350.

delay: [number] [optional]

  • Delay time before starting the animation (in milliseconds).
  • Initial Value 0.

direction: ['alternate' | 'alternate-reverse' | 'normal' | 'reverse']

  • Animation direction.
  • Initial Value normal

autoPlay?: [boolean] [optional];

  • Auto start the animation if true.
  • Initial Value true

repeat: [Number] [optional]

  • Repeat count after the first play.
  • infinite if repeat value is set to -1.
  • Initial Value 0.

easingFunction: [ String | (x) => x ] [optional]

  • Easing functions specify the rate of change of the number over time.
  • Takes a String or a Function.
  • Initial Value "linear" | "linear"[].
  • Avaliable Easing functions : "linear", "easeInSine", "easeOutSine", "easeInOutSine", "easeInQuad", "easeOutQuad", "easeInOutQuad", "easeInCubic", "easeOutCubic", "easeInOutCubic", "easeInQuart", "easeOutQuart", "easeInOutQuart", "easeInQuint", "easeOutQuint", "easeInOutQuint", "easeInExpo", "easeOutExpo", "easeInOutExpo", "easeInCirc", "easeOutCirc", "easeInOutCirc", "easeInBack", "easeOutBack", "easeInOutBack", "easeInElastic", "easeOutElastic", "easeInOutElastic", "easeInBounce", "easeOutBounce", "easeInOutBounce"
  • Check to learn more.
  • If you want to provide your own timing-function make sure that the function takes one parameter and returns one value.
function easeInQuad(x) {
  return x * x;

Callback (numbers[], object) => void

  • Takes two parameters:
    • numbers[]: An array of numbers which represents the current value of the animation.
    • object: An object which contains the animation information.
info type description
isFirstFrame boolean True only at first frame of every repeat cycle
isLastFrame boolean True only at last frame of every repeat cycle
isFinished boolean True only when the animation is finished
progress number Animation progress percentage
timeLineProgress number Animation progress percentage relative to the timeline
repeatCount number The current repeat cycle
alternateCycle number The current alternate cycle
fps number The current animation frame rate
time number The current time in milliseconds
timeLineTime number The current time in milliseconds relative to the timeline
play Function check out Methods
reverse Function check out Methods
pause Function check out Methods
stop Function check out Methods
setOptions Function check out Methods
getOptions Function check out Methods


  • The animare returns an object which contains the following methods:

play : (startAt?: number | string) => void

  • Play the animation matching the direction option property.
  • the parameter is optional and if not provided will start the animation from the beginning.
  • Takes a number for time in milliseconds or a string for progress percentage e.g. '50%'.
  • If the animation is already playing or paused, it will restart it.
  • If you want the animation to play backwards, use reverse() method.

reverse : (startAt?: number | string) => void

  • Play the animation reversing the direction option property.
  • the parameter is optional and if not provided will start the animation from the end.
  • Takes a number for time in milliseconds or a string for progress percentage e.g. '50%'.
  • If the animation is already playing or paused, it will restart it.
  • If you want the animation to play forwards, use play() method.

stop : (stopAt?: number | string, isReversed?: boolean) => void

  • Stop or skip to specific time or progress percentage.
  • Takes a number for time in milliseconds or a string for progress percentage e.g. '50%'.
  • If the parameter is not passed, the animation will stop at the last frame.

pause : () => void

  • Pause the animation at any given point when called.

resume : () => void

  • Resume the animation from the paused or stopped state.

next : (options: object, callback: (numbers[], object) => void) => methods

  • Play sequence of animations.
  • Accepts same options as animare function.
  • The options will be inherited from the main animations if not specified.
  • [from] will be set to [to] of the previous animation if not specified.

onStart : (callback: Function) => Function

  • Listen to the animation's start event.
  • A callback function will be called when the animation is started.
  • Returns a function to stop listening to the start event.
  • Note: onStart will not be called for autoPlay animations.

onFinish : (callback: Function) => Function

  • Listen to the animation's finish event.
  • A callback function will be called when the animation is finished.
  • Returns a function to stop listening to the progress event.

asyncOnFinish : () => Promise<void>

  • Async function that resolves when the animation is finished.

onProgress : (at: number | string, callback: Function, atRepeat?: number) => Function

  • Listen to the animation's progress event.
  • 1st argument accepts a number as current time in milliseconds or a string representing the progress "e.g. '50%'".
  • 2nd argument is a callback function that will be called when the animation reaches the progress point.
  • 3rd argument is the repeat count that the event will be fired at. set to 0 by default.
  • Returns a function to stop listening to the progress event.

asyncOnProgress : (at: number | string, atRepeat?: number) => Promise<void>

  • Async function that resolves when the animation reaches the progress point.
  • 1st argument accepts a number as current time in milliseconds or a string representing the progress "e.g. '50%'".
  • 2nd argument is the repeat count that the event will be fired at. set to 0 by default.

setOptions : (options: animareOptions) => void

  • Change the animation's initial options.

getOptions : () => animareOptions

  • Get the animation's current options object.