

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import antdprolayout from '';


Remote Component Starter Kit

Starter Kit

Starter Kit for quickly creating a Remote React Component that can be Lazily Loaded by @paciolan/remote-component.

Getting Started

Clone the repository and initialize your project

# create new repo
mkdir my-component
cd my-component
git init

# pull the remote component starter kit
git pull --depth=1
git commit --amend -m "chore: 🛠️ pull remote-component-starter"

# install dependencies
npm ci

Modify package.json and replace the starter kit values with your own.

  • set name to the name of your project.
  • set description to describe your project.
  • set repository to point to your repository.
  • set license to reflect the license of your project.


There are a few important files, one set is used for the bundle, another set for local development.

  • src/index.js - Entrypoint of the Remote Component. The component needs to be the default export.
  • src/dev.js - Entrypoint for webpack-dev-server. This is only used for development and will not be included in the final bundle.
  • src/index.html - HTML for webpack-dev-server. This is only used for development and will not be included in the final bundle.


The bundle will be output to the dist/main.js.

npm run build

Create a development build for easier debugging.

npm run build:dev


The component can be debugged locally by starting webpack-dev-server. This will start and launch the entrypoint src/dev.js.

npm run start

External Dependencies

The Remote Component is self contained with all of it's dependencies bundled with webpack. Any dependencies that will be provided by the app should be marked as external in the webpack.config.js.

In this example, react and prop-types are added to externals. They will not be included in the bundle. The web application is expected to provide these dependencies.

module.exports = {
  output: {
    libraryTarget: "commonjs"
  externals: {
    react: "react",
    "prop-types": "prop-types"


Commits are added to the repository with commitizen compatible cit-cz.

# stage all changes
git add .

# run commitizen
npm run cz


Joel Thoms (

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