This project provides an antlr generated lexer and parser for OData Queries.
Note this project depends on antlr4ts ^0.5.0-alpha.3 - use in production code at your own risk.
- antlr4ts (Alpha).
Usage (ts)
The main useful classes exported by this library are ODataLiteLexer
and ODataLiteParser
. Here's how you can use these...
import { CharStreams, CodePointCharStream, CommonTokenStream } from 'antlr4ts';
import { ParseTree, ParseTreeWalker } from 'antlr4ts/tree';
const odataQuery = 'MyEntity?$select=Property1&$expand=NavProperty1($select=Property2;$expand=NavProperty2)$filter=Property1 eq @MyAlias&@MyAlias=1';
const codePointCharStream: CodePointCharStream = CharStreams.fromString(odataQuery);
const lexer = new OData4LiteLexer(codePointCharStream);
const tokens: CommonTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
// Alternative 1: Context unaware parser - fine if you a) don't have metadata, or do not support unbound functions.
const parser: OData4LiteParser = new OData4LiteParser(tokens);
// Alternative 2 (from version 0.0.12): Context aware parser
// A metadata sybmbol table has been provided with an api for querying EntitySet, EntityType and UnboundFunction symbols.
// The user can select a desired Schema and provide it to the parser, which can then distinguish between urls /EntitySet(1) and /UnBoundFunction(1) by querying the symbol table.
const metaDataSymbol: MetadataSymbols = new MetadataSymbols(xml);
const schema: Schema = metaDataSymbol.defaultSchema;
const parser: OData4LiteParser = OData4LiteParser.buildOData4LiteParser(tokens, schema);
const tree: ParseTree = parser.odataRelativeURI();
// Now we have a parse tree we can use like this...
// Whats a list of all the aliases in the query string?
const walker: ParseTreeWalker = new ParseTreeWalker();
const aliasResolver: ODataAliasResolver = new ODataAliasResolver();
aliasResolver.forEach(alias => console.log(`${alias} `));
// output: MyAlias
export class ODataAliasResolver implements OData4LiteListener {
aliases: string[] = [];
constructor() {}
enterParameterAlias: (ctx: ParameterAliasContext) => void = ctx => {
if (ctx.parent instanceof AliasAndValueContext) {
Lite Grammar
The Lite grammar can match the following OData Query features:
- EntitySet Queries - $expand, $select, $top, $filter, $count, $apply + groupby + aggregate
- Unbound Functions
- Aliases
Full Grammar
This library currently doesn't support the full odata 4.0 grammar. An full Antlr OData grammar has been defined here:
...has been copied to this project purely for my reference. In its current state it will not build with antlr4ts.
Version 0.0.18
- Bumped devdep Typescript to 4
- added // @ts-nocheck to generated ts code to workaround
Version 0.0.17
- added expression support to $orderby
- added reference material - abnf v4.01.
Version 0.0.16
- Version 0.0.15 used a stale distribution in error
Version 0.0.15
- Definition of literal collections fixed to use [] not () and to support empty collections
Version 0.0.14
Breaking Changes
- Definition of First Member Expressions updated to include single navigation properties. IDENTIFIER removed from firstMemberExpr
Version 0.0.13
- Type now throws an error if no rawType is provided.
- added github repo details
Version 0.0.12
- fixed precendence of firstMemberExpression Context so IDENTIFIER is matched if its only a simple property
Version 0.0.11
- support for any/all lambda functions
- initial support for $it, $ref
Breaking Changes
- null token incorrectly defined as 'ull' - fixed definition of Alias's and collection literals - renamed collectionNavigationExpr to collectionNavigation to enable inclusion of actual collectionNavigationExpr rule (see abnf grammar for differences). - replaced simple ID Expression rule with more complete FirstMemberExpr rule which includes collection navigation.
Version 0.0.10
do not use
Version 0.0.9
New features
- support collection navigations: Entity(x)
Breaking change
- functionImportCall no longer included IDENTIFIER - instead its available in the parent context 'resourcePath'
Version 0.0.8
New features
- $apply=compute()
Breaking change
- renamed aggregateAs rule to dynamicPropertyAssignment
Version 0.0.7
New features
- Add support for $orderby desc and asc
- Added support for $apply filter transformation
Version 0.0.6
New features
- Add support for $orderby
- Fixed IDENTIFIER definition to allow digits
Version 0.0.5
New features
- Add support for $skip
Version 0.0.4
New features
- Fixed FunctionExpression should start with an Identifier
Version 0.0.3
New features
- Added partial support for $apply. Supported operations include: groupby & aggregate
- Added support for 'in' expressions. E.g. PropertyName in (1,2,3)
Breaking Changes:
- replaced expression rule for IDENTIFIER with propertyPath (which effectively includes IDENTIFIER).
- renamed rule navigationProperty to property (non-normative). property replaced several rules including the abnf rule called navigationProperty.
- renamed collectionNavigation to collectionNavigationExpr in line with abnf grammar
Breaking changes
Version 0.0.2
- Added support for Unbound Function Import with primitiveLiterals and alias's as parameters
- Removed support (temporary) for collectionNavigation in a resource path due to ambiguity.
Version 0.0.1
First release. Supports $filter, $expand, $select