
Node.JS library that can parse text from any kind of file, eg. text, image, pdf, office files.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import anyfileparser from '';



Node.JS library that can parse text from any kind of file, eg. text, image, pdf, office files.


  • 2019/06/17 - Added method to change location for decompressing office files in places with restricted write access.
  • 2019/05/02 - Initial module with pdf, image, utf-8 and office files.

Install via npm

npm i anyfileparser


const anyFileParser = require('anyfileparser');

anyFileParser.parseFile("/path/to/file", function(data){
        // "data" string in the callback here is the text parsed from the file passed in the first argument above

Optionally change decompression location for office Files at persionalised locations for environments with restricted write access

const anyFileParser = require('anyfileparser');

// Default decompress location for office Files is "officeDist" in the directory where Node is started. 
// Put this file before parseOffice method to take effect.
anyFileParser.setDecompressionLocation("/tmp");  // New decompression location would be "/tmp/officeDist"

// P.S.: Setting location on a Windows environment with '\' heirarchy requires to be entered twice '\\'
anyFileParser.setDecompressionLocation("C:\\tmp");  // New decompression location would be "C:\tmp\officeDist"

anyFileParser.parseFile("/path/to/file", function(data){
        // "data" string in the callback here is the text parsed from the file passed in the first argument above


const anyFileParser = require('anyfileparser');

anyFileParser.parseFile("C:\\files\\myText.docx", function(data){
        var newText = data + "look, I can parse any file"

// Using relative path for file is also fine
anyFileParser.parseFile("files/myWorkSheet.ods", function(data){
        var newText = data + "look, I can parse any file"