Maps Mobile for Tennis Australia
React Native application for iOS + Android
Project Setup:
Clone the project.
Go to root directory >run "yarn"
Go to ios directory >run pod install
Running App:
** Go to root directory **
yarn ios
yarn android
Make sure the development server is running.
yarn start
Note: You can also use IDEs like Xcode and Android Studio.
node: v10.16.3
App Environment
change base_url constant as per run environment.
TODO: Configure app schema so that it run in dev environment when in debug mode and in prod in release mode.
you can set server api key in constant (method is already exposed so that api key can be fetched in first load)
Google map:
Go to >src/config/google.js
> update the settings like minZoomLevel, maxZoomLevel
> set the width/color of the polylines
> change the icons size and color for buttons on map
> change the map style
Note: filter items are loaded from mockdata, update function <getFilterItems to fetch items from server
Setting Google API Key:
Open file AppDelegate.m Update API key [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"AIzaSyDN5UPOcQRAn4TK9U44OtPy7qR_Ly29QvE"];
Open file src/main/AndroidManifest.xml Update API key (android:value="AIzaSyAW69IhCYqTVkDbdTIXKR-XLs_yWT0WLow")
The outline of the map is loaded once from the server to cache then the outline is drawn with the cache data. Caching time is configurable, set minutes (caching_time), in appConstants file.
make the bottom sheet draggable in android.
verify if the filter works for autocompletion.
change the icon of the POI as per their category.