
A module to read and write .aof files. The aof file format is used by the website (AnalyzeOrFeed) to store League of Legends replays and some additional metadata.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aofFileParser from '';



A module to read and write .aof files. The aof file format is used by the website (AnalyzeOrFeed) to store League of Legends replays and some additional metadata.


npm install --save


let aofParser = require('aof-file-parser');

let game = {
    // insert game data here

// to write a file, 'replay-euw-123', (result) => {
    if (!result.success) {
        console.log(result.error); // Error, file has not been saved
    } else {
        // File has been saved!
        console.log(result.warnings); // If there were warnings, print them

// read a file
aofParser.load('replay-euw-123.aof', (result, replayMetadata, replayData) => {
    if (!result.success) {
    } else {
        // Replay has been loaded


.save(game, filename, callback)

game: game

Contains all the necessary information about the game.

filename: string

The location of the aof file (without .aof ending).

callback: (result: {success: boolean, error: string, warnings: Array}) => any

The callback that will be called in case of an error or when the file has been saved successfully.

  • If success is false, result.error will contain the error message
  • If success is true, result.warnings can contain warnings, but the file will still have been saved

.load(file, callback)

file: string

Location of the .aof file.

callback: (result: {success: boolean, error: string}, replayMetadata: replayMetadata, replayData: replayData) => any

The callback that will be called in case of an error or when the file has been parsed successfully.



var game = {
    regionId: number; // Region id: Can be obtained using our API:
    gameId: number;
    riotVersion: string; // Version of the current patch. For example: 6.9.1 Can be obtained using our API:
    key: string; // Encryption key provided by the Riot API
    endStartupChunkId: number;
    startGameChunkId: number;
    players: Array<Players>;
    keyframes: Array<Keyframes>;
    chunks: Array<Chunks>;


var players = {
    id: number; // Summoner ID
    summonerName: string;
    teamNr: number; // 0 for blue or 1 red team
    leagueId: number;
    leagueRank: number;
    championId: number;
    dId: number; // ID of the summoner spell on d
    fId: number; // ID of the summoner spell on f


var replayMetadata = {
    version: number; // Version of the .aof file format
    regionId: number;
    gameId: number;
    riotVersion: string;
    key: string;
    endStartupChunkId: number;
    startGameChunkId: number;
    players: Array<Players>;


var replayData = {
    keyframes: [{
        id: number; // Keyframe ID
        data: binary; // Keyframe data
    chunks: [{
        id: number; // Chunk ID
        data: binary; // Chunk data