
Prototype for app project.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apemanProtoApp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apeman-proto-app';



Build Status Code Climate Code Coverage npm Version JS Standard

Prototype for app project.


$ npm install apeman-proto-app --save


'use strict'

module.exports = {
  $pkg: { /* ... */ },
  $proto: [
    // Inherit apeman-proto-app project.
  $tmpls: { /* ... */ },
  $tasks: { /* ... */ }

Apemanfile Configurations


Name Value
name apeman-proto-app
version 3.0.3
description Prototype for app project.



Path Force Mode Tmpl Data
constants/.constants.js.bud false '644' #!/usr/bin/env node /** * Bud file ... {"year":2016,"params":{"type":"consts...
constants/index.js false '644' /** * Exports constants modules. * ... {"params":{},"generator":"apeman-tmpl...
errors/.html.bud false '644' /** * Bud file for error * Executin... {"year":2016,"params":{"type":"error"...
middlewares/index.js false '644' /** * Exports middleware modules. *... {"params":{},"generator":"apeman-tmpl...
public/humans.txt false '644' {{! apeman-tmpl-humans }} /* TEAM */ ... {"params":{},"generator":"apeman-tmpl...
public/robots.txt false '644' {{! apeman-tmpl-robot }}# robot.txt #... {"params":{"disallow":["errors","tmp"...
routes/index.js false '644' /** * Exports route modules. * * G... {"params":{},"generator":"apeman-tmpl...
settings/index.js false '644' /** * Project settings. * * Genera... {"params":{},"generator":"apeman-tmpl...
tests/.test.js.bud false '644' #!/usr/bin/env node /** * Bud file ... {"year":2016,"params":{"type":"route-...


Name Description
app:fmt Format a json file.
app:mkdir Generate directories for app.
app:render Render bud files.
app:test ["mocha:run"]
mocha:mkdir Generate directories for project with mocha.
mocha:render Render files for project with mocha.
mocha:run Run mocha tests.
test:mkdir Generate directories.
test:render Render coz bud files.
wtch:list List available watches.
wtch:start Start all watches.


Name Description
app:render {"pattern":"+(errors
test:render {"pattern":["tests/*/..bud"]}


Bin How to install
apeman npm install -g apeman
mocha npm install -g mocha


This software is released under the MIT License.
