
Apep seperator combinators.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apepStdSep from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apep-std-sep';



Helper combinators for working with sequencing generators Apep Javascript text generation library.


$ npm install apep-std-sep

You can either use apep-std-sep as its own include:

const pep = require('apep');
const pep_sep = require('apep-std-sep');

const p = pep_sep.sepBy(...);

Or by extending an Apep instance:

let pep = require('apep');
pep = require('apep-std-sep')(pep);

const p = pep.store(...);

Extension does not alter the original Apep include but creates a simple proxy that also has the std-var functionality.


sepBy(sep, ...generators)

Run sep between each generators.

const p = pep_sep.sepBy(pep.str('\n'), 'a', 'b', 'c');

Array.from(p) === ['a', '\n', 'b', '\n', 'c'];

between(first, last)(...middle)

Convenience function to create a combinator that runs it's input generator between two generators.

pep_sep.between('a', 'c')('b') === pep.seq('a', 'b', 'c')


Convenience function to create a combinator that runs it's input generator between two generators.

pep_sep.endWith('a')('b', 'c') === pep.seq('b', 'c', 'a');

sepMany(sep, g, prob = 0.5)

Run g one or more times, outputting sep between instances.

  • sep - Separator generator run between each invocation of g.
  • g - Generator.
  • prob - Probability that many will continue to produce a value.
const words = pep.choice('quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps');

const p = pep_sep.sepMany(' ', words);

p.run() === 'fox quick';
p.run() === '';
p.run() === 'jumps';
p.run() === 'jumps fox brown';

sepMany1(sep, g, prob = 0.5)

Run g one or more times, outputting sep between instances.

See sepMany.