
create ApexUT Document Markdown

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apexDoc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apex-doc';



Create code description document with markdown

$ npm install -g apex-doc

At root directory, run this command.

$ apex-doc

This tool can be used in English and Japanese. default language is English. if you want to run in japanese, run this command.

$ apex-doc -l ja

Now only Apex Unit Test Code is available. test class must have 'ZZ_' prefix.

└── src
    └── classes
        ├── hoge.cls
        ├── ZZ_hogeTest.cls
        └── ZZ_fugaTest.cls
 * @name サンプルのテストクラス
 * @author T.Tanaka
public class testClass {

   * @testCase 新規登録のテスト
   * @type 正常系
   * @condition 1, aaa
   *            2, aaaa
   *            3, ccc
   * @result 1, aaaaa
   *         2, 入力値通りにレコードがインサートされること
   * @remarks 備考備考
  @isTest static void testMethod1() {
