
Command line tool for generating OpenAPI spec and SwaggerUI from AWS API Gateway

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apigSwaggerUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apig-swagger-ui';



Command line tool for generating OpenAPI spec and SwaggerUI from AWS API Gateway

oclif Version Downloads/week License

Typical usage:

$ npx apig-swagger-ui -r ap-southeast-2 -s
npx: installed 92 in 9.635s
Generating files to: api-doc
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://api.dev1.insights.example.com/analytics
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://boi.example.com/statement
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://catalog.tst1.example.com/
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://cis.example.com/
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://leads.example.com/v2
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://leads.example.com/inbound
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://rulehub.example.com/citizenship
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://toggle-feature-flag-datadog.example.com/
Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://v1pde.example.com/key
Local server started. Ctrl-C to stop. Access URL: http://localhost:8001/

Command line option -r ap-southeast-2 specifies AWS region, -s tells the command line to start up a local http server and then open the browser pointing to that local server for viewing generated website.

If you don't want to include all custom domains and APIs, you can use --include and --exclude options to specify which domain/path to include and which to exclude. Both of them can have multiple appearances.

For example, --include 'leads*/*' will make sure that only https://leads.example.com/v2 and https://leads.example.com/inbound would be included. Make sure you have the pattern enclosed with '. --include is applied before --exclude, so that --include 'leads*/*' --exclude '*/v2' will give you only https://leads.example.com/inbound.

To match an endpoint URL without a base path, use patterns like *.example.*/ which matches https://cis.example.com/. Please note that *.example.*/* does not match https://cis.example.com/. This applies to both inclusion and exclusion.

Necessary transformation/hacking is in place for making sure API spec looks good in Swagger UI. Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions or needs, I would consider to add as new features.

Files generated are ready to be hosted as static website content in this structure:

  • api/ - folder containing all OpenAPI 3 spec files
    • <domain>/ - folder containing OpenAPI 3 spec files under the same API Gateway custom domain name
      • <basePath>.apig.json - original OpenAPI 3 spec file exported from API Gateway
      • <basePath>.json - OpenAPI 3 spec file for SwaggerUI to consume. Necessary transformation/hacking has been applied for making sure the API spec looks good in Swagger UI.
  • swagger-ui/ - standard swagger-ui html/js/css/png
  • index.html - the home page / entry point

Quick start

You can have it installed globally like this:

$ npm install -g apig-swagger-ui
$ apig-swagger-ui ...

Or, you can just invoke the latest version with npx:

$ npx apig-swagger-ui ...

By passing -h or --help to the command line, you can see all supported arguments and options.


  $ apig-swagger-ui [PATH]

  PATH  [default: api-doc] path for putting generated website files

  -a, --validator-url=validator-url  custom validator URL, or "none" for
                                     disabling validation

  -d, --debug                        output debug messages

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --include=include              [default: */*,*/] custom domains and base
                                     path mappings to include

  -m, --enable-source-maps           include swagger-ui's source map files or

  -p, --port=port                    [default: 8001] port number of the local
                                     http server for preview

  -q, --quiet                        no console output

  -r, --region=region                AWS region

  -s, --server                       start a local http server and open a
                                     browser for pre-viewing generated website

  -v, --version                      show CLI version

  -x, --exclude=exclude              custom domains and base path mappings to

  This command line tool can generate a static website that you can host for 
  serving Swagger UI of your API Gateway APIs.
    It generates website files locally and can optionally launch a local server 
  for you to preview.
    Before running this tool, you need to log into your AWS account (through 
  command line like aws, saml2aws, okta-aws, etc.) first.
    Please note that only APIs that have been mapped to custom domains will be 
  included in the website generated.

  apig-swagger-ui -r ap-southeast-2 -s
  apig-swagger-ui -r ap-southeast-2 -s -i '*uat1*/*' -x 'datahub.uat1.*/*'
  apig-swagger-ui -r ap-southeast-2 -s -i '*/key*' -i 'boi.stg.*/*' 

For developers

  • Run for test: ./bin/run ...
  • Release: npm version patch -m "..."; npm publish