
Apigee 127 Command Line Interface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apigee127 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apigee-127';


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a127 reference

This is the installation guide and command reference for a127, the command-line interface for Apigee 127.

  • Prerequisites
  • Installation
  • Commands


If you choose to install Apigee-127 using npm you will need npm version 1.3 or higher. You will also need Node.js version 0.10.24 or higher.


You can install apigee-127 either through npm or by cloning and linking the code from GitHub. This document covers the installation details for installing from npm.

Installation from npm

The apigee-127 module and its dependencies are designed for Node.js and is available through npm using the following command:

Linux / Mac from a Terminal Window:

$ sudo npm install -g apigee-127

NOTE: The npm installation requires permission to create a folder in the ~/.a127 directory. When installing apigee-127 you may need to add the flag --unsafe-perm to the install command. For example:

    $sudo npm install -g apigee-127 --unsafe-perm

> NOTE: `sudo` may be required with the `-g` option which places the `a127` command-line commands in you PATH. If you do not use `-g`, then you need to add the `apigee-127/bin `directory to your PATH manually. 
> Typically, the `-g` option places modules in: `/usr/local/lib/node_modules/apigee-127` on *nix-based machines.

### Windows, from a Command Prompt

npm install -g apigee-127

## Location of files

Apigee-127 places most of its files that it depends on at a global level in `~/.a127`.  This includes an `accounts` file that has details about the configured accounts and an optional `usergrid` directory if you choose to download and use Usergrid through the `a127` command line.

## Dependencies

For a list of dependencies and Node.js modules that are relevant to an Apigee-127 project, see [Apigee-127 modules](https://github.com/apigee-127/a127-documentation/wiki/Apigee-127-modules)

# Command reference

* project
* account
* usergrid
* config
* wiki

## <a name="a127-project"></a>project

Create and manage Apigee 127 projects on your local machine. 

`$ a127 project [options]  [command]`


`$ a127 project create`

`$ a127 project start`

`$ a127 project deploy`

To print a list of valid options for a command:

`$ a127 project [command] -h`


* **create** - Creates a new Apigee 127 skeleton project populated with files from GitHub. See also "New Apigee 127 project structure" below. 

* **start** - Runs the main Node.js project file, app.js. The server automatically restarts when you make changes to the project.
        -h, --help   output usage information
        -d, --debug  start in debug mode
        -m, --mock   start in mock mode
        -o, --open   open in browser
        -a, --account <account> use the specified account for configuration
        -d, --debug [port]      start in remote debug mode
        -b, --debug-brk [port]  start in remote debug mode, wait for debugger connect
  • edit - Opens the Swagger API editor.
  • deploy - Deploys the project to the currently configured cloud platform account.
        -h, --help               output usage information
        -a, --account [account]  use specified account
        -i, --import-only        import project to provider, but don't deploy (Apigee only)
        -n, --name [name]        override deployment name
        -m, --main [main]        override deployment main file
        -b, --base [path]        override deployment base path (default is /projectName)

Note: When you deploy your project to Apigee Edge, Node.js modules are installed or updated automatically for you on Edge. The command does not upload any files from your local node_modules directory.

  • undeploy - Undeploys the project from the currently configured cloud platform account.
       -h, --help               output usage information
       -a, --account [account]  use specified account
       -n, --name [name]        override deployment name


Create and manage deployment provider accounts. Deployment providers are cloud-based platforms where you can deploy your Apigee 127 project.

Note: Currently, the only option is deploying to Apigee Edge. Other providers will be added in the future.

$ a127 account [-options] [command] {account_name}


$ a127 account create myaccount

To print a list of valid options for a command:

a127 account [command] -h


  • create - Creates a deployment account on a specified provider. Follow the command line prompts. The deploy command deploys your project to this provider account. Account information for each account that you configure is stored by default in ~/.a127/accounts. The default provider is apigee.
    -h, --help                         output usage information
    -p, --provider [provider]          name of provider
    -b, --baseuri [baseuri]            base uri
    -o, --organization [organization]  organization
    -u, --username [username]          username
    -w, --password [password]          password
    -e, --environment [environment]    environment
    -v, --virtualhosts [virtualhosts]  virtual hosts -- by default "default,secure" is set, giving both http and https support. For http only, set this to default. For https only, set to https. 


        $ a127 account create myaccount
        [?] Provider? apigee
        [?] Do you have an account? Yes
        [?] Organization? jdoe
        [?] User Id? jdoe@apigee.com
        [?] Password? *********
        [?] Environment? test
  • delete - Deletes the specified account. Information for the account is removed from ~/.a127/accounts.
        $ a127 account delete myaccount
  • update - Updates the specified account. Follow the command line prompts.

  • show - Shows information about the specified account. If you do not specify an account name, you will see information for the current account.

  • list|ls - Lists the deployment accounts. The current account is identified with "+".

  • select - Makes the specified account the current account.

      `$ a127 account select myaccount`
  • providers - Lists the available deployment providers. Currently, apigee is the only available provider. More will be added in the future.

  • deployments - Lists all all projects that are deployed to the current provider account.


    -h, --help  output usage information
    -l, --long  long format (includes URIs)
  • setValue -- Sets a value on the account.

  • deleteValue -- Deletes a value from the account.


Manage an Apache Usergrid service on your local machine. Usergrid is an open-source BaaS solution based on RESTful APIs.

$ a127 usergrid [options] [command]


$ a127 usergrid start

$ a127 usergrid portal

$ a127 usergrid stop

To print a list of valid options for a command:

$ a127 usergrid [command] -h


  • start - Starts a local instance of the Apache Usergrid service.

  • stop - Stops the running Usergrid service.

    Note: If you are unsure if Usergrid is running, hit localhost:8080. If you get a "Page Not Found" error, Usergrid is not running. In that case, try stopping and then starting Usergrid using a127 usergrid stop and a127 usergrid start.

  • download - Downloads Apache Usergrid to your machine.

  • portal - Opens the Usergrid portal. Use the portal to manage Usergrid projects, create data sets, manage app security, and more. The default login credentials are test/test.

    Note: You must download Usergrid before you can open the portal. Or, you can execute a127 usergrid portal --download.

  • pid - Print the pid of the currently running Usergrid service.

  • tail - Prints the tail of your local Usergrid service log.


Prints config information for the Apigee 127 project.

$ a127 config


Opens the Apigee-127 documentation wiki in your default browser. The wiki is hosted on GitHub with the apigee-127/a127-documentation project.