
CLI/REPL to apigee.com

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apigeeEdgeCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apigee-edge-cli';


Table of Contents

Apigee Edge Client

Lista de comandos

- Setting list

- Settting set

- Apiproxy

- Apiproxy deployments

- Apiproxy deploy

- Apiproxy undeploy

- Apiproxy change

- Apiproxy compare

- Apiproxy download <apiproxyName>

- Apiproxy policies

- Apiproxy targetEndpoint

- Apiproxy proxyEndpoint

- Apiproxy resources

- Apiproxy update

- Apiproxy upload

- Flow

- Flow edit

- Flow create

- Flow move

- Policy open policyName

- Policy create policyName

- Policy update policyName

- ProxyEndpoint open proxyEndpointName

- ProxyEndpoint info proxyEndpointName

- ProxyEndpoint list proxyEndpointName

- ProxyEndpoint preflow

- ProxyEndpoint postflow

- ProxyEndpoint create

- Proxyendpoint move

- Resource open

- Resource update

- TargetEndpoint open

- TargetEnpoint info

- TargetEnpoint preflow

- TargetEnpoint postflow

- TargetEnpoint create

- Exit

Jerarquía de archivos



     _    ____ ___ ____ _____ _____   _____ ____   ____ _____    ____ _     ___ 
    / \  |  _ \_ _/ ___| ____| ____| | ____|  _ \ / ___| ____|  / ___| |   |_ _|
   / _ \ | |_) | | |  _|  _| |  _|   |  _| | | | | |  _|  _|   | |   | |    | | 
  / ___ \|  __/| | |_| | |___| |___  | |___| |_| | |_| | |___  | |___| |___ | | 
 /_/   \_\_|  |___\____|_____|_____| |_____|____/ \____|_____|  \____|_____|___|

apigee-edge-cli is a command line utility for interacting with Apigee Apiproxies & Servers.

It was developed under commons situations that I was past.


With NPM:

npm install -g apigee-edge-cli

From this repository:

git clone http://gitlab.edge.com.py/luis.encina/apigee-edge-cli.git
cd apigee-edge-cli
npm install
npm link


Start edge:


Get help:

edge$ help


    help [command...]                    Provides help for a given command.
    apiproxy                             Information of actual apiproxy
    exit [options]                       Exits this instance of edge-client
    flow [options] <flowName>            Show the flow
    policy <policyName>                  Open policy xml
    proxyEndpoint <proxyEndpointName>    List all ProxyEndpoints
    settings                             Open policy xml
    targetEndpoint <targetEndpointName>  Details of a TargetEndpoint

  Command Groups:

    apiproxy *                           9 sub-commands.
    flow *                               1 sub-command.
    policy *                             1 sub-command.
    proxyEndpoint *                      3 sub-commands.
    settings *                           1 sub-command.
    targetEndpoint *                     3 sub-commands.

You can also get help for individual commands with help <command>.

A note about defaults

For the sake of convenience, apigee-edge-cli includes some sensible defaults and the defaults (for e.g. live.validation) which you will find in the 'settings' command:

Default setting Value Notes
apigee.username Enviroments vars, answer when cli need or with command [string] can be overridden with settings save apigee.username
apigee.password Enviroments vars, answer when cli need or with command [string] can be overridden with settings save apigee.password
apigee.organization Enviroments vars, answer when cli need or with command [string] can be overridden with settings save apigee.organization
editor Answer when cli need or with command [string] can be overridden with settings save editor
graph.withNames Default 'true' Change only with command [boolean] can be overridden with settings save graph.withNames
live.validation Default 'true' Change only with command [boolean] can be overridden with settings save live.validation
live.upload Default 'false' Change only with command [boolean] can be overridden with settings save live.upload

Usage Examples

This example follows the Apigee documentation and covers most of the current abilities available in apigee.

Apigee-edge-cli Information

Determine the cli version & enviroment parameters :

edge$ info
│ Apigee-edge-cli Version               │ 1.0.6                               │
│ Apiproxy name                         │ tigoid_query                        │
│ Apiproxy actual revision              │ 22                                  │
│ Apiproxies revisions downloads        │ 20,22,23,25                         │


Command 'apiproxy'

apiproxy download

You can download the last apiproxy:

edge$ apiproxy download myApiproxy
Apiproxy myApiproxy revision 3 was downloaded!

or download with a specific revision number

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy download myApiproxy 2
Apiproxy myApiproxy revision 2 was downloaded!
apiproxy change

You can change between revisions downloaded

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy change 2


myApiproxy(Rev2)$ apiproxy change
? Select revision:  (Use arrow keys)
❯ 3
apiproxy compare

You can compare between two revisions that was downloaded

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy compare
? Select revision A:  2
? Select revision B:  3
│ Equals                                │ 20                                  │
│ Distinct                              │ 1                                   │
│ Revision 2                            │ 0                                   │
│ Revision 3                            │ 0                                   │
│ Differences                           │ 1                                   │
? select a file to compare or cancel: ./2/apiproxy/resources/jsc/test.js <> ./3/apiproxy/resources/jsc/test.js
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
+// Test
 var test = "";
apiproxy proxyEndpoint

List all proxyEndpoints

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy proxyEndpoint

ApiProxy: myApiproxy
Revision: 3

│ default                                                                     │
apiproxy targetEndpoint

List all targetEndpoints

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy targetEndpoint

ApiProxy: myApiproxy
Revision: 3

│ default                                                                     │
apiproxy policies

Lista all policies

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy policies

ApiProxy: myApiproxy
Revision: 3

│ XmlToJson                                                                   │
│ AssignMessage                                                               │
apiproxy resources

Lista all resources

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ apiproxy resources

ApiProxy: myApiproxy
Revision: 3

│ jsc://test.js                                                               │
│ jsc://lib.js                                                                │

Command 'proxyEndpoint'


Show you all information about the proxyEndpoint

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ proxyEndpoint default

ApiProxy: myApiproxy
Revision: 3

│ Name                                  │ default                             │
│ FaultRules                            │                                     │
│ PreFlow Request                       │ Login                               │
│ PreFlow Response                      │                                     │
│ PostFlow Request                      │                                     │
│ PostFlow Response                     │ CORS                                │
│ Flows                                 │ Login                               │
proxyEndpoint create

Create an proxyEndpoint with the name provided, and will open your editor (if you no set, it will ask to you)

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ proxyEndpoint create default_test
Enter the basepath:/test/
? Select the Virtual Hosts: default, secure
ProxyEndpoint default_test was created.
proxyEndpoint preflow

Preflow Graph as much as request and response, like the UI in Apigee

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ proxyEndpoint preflow default
|   Request ->                                                                 |
| +-------+                                                                    |
| | Login |                                                                    |
| +-------+                                                                    |
|                                                                <- Response   |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
proxyEndpoint postflow

Postflow Graph as much as request and response, like the UI in Apigee

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ proxyEndpoint postflow default
|   Request ->                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                <- Response   |
|                                                                     +------+ |
|                                                                     | CORS | |
|                                                                     +------+ |

Command 'targetEndpoint'


Show you all information about the targetEndpoint

myApiproxy(Rev2)$ targetEndpoint default

ApiProxy: myApiproxy
Revision: 3

│ Name                                  │ default                             │
│ FaultRules                            │                                     │
│ PreFlow Request                       │                                     │
│ PreFlow Response                      │                                     │
│ PostFlow Request                      │                                     │
│ PostFlow Response                     │                                     │
│ Flows                                 │                                     │
targetEndpoint create

Create an targetEndpoint with the name provided, and will open your editor (if you no set, it will ask to you)

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ targetEndpoint create default_test
? Select type: HTTPTargetConnection
Enter the url:http://test.com/api
TargetEndpoint default_test was created.
targetEndpoint preflow

Preflow Graph as much as request and response, like the UI in Apigee

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ targetEndpoint preflow default
|   Request ->                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                <- Response   |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
targetEndpoint postflow

Postflow Graph as much as request and response, like the UI in Apigee

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ targetEndpoint postflow default
|   Request ->                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                <- Response   |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |

Command 'policy'


Open a policy in your text editor (if you no set, it will ask to you)

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ policy JsonToXml
./3/apiproxy/policies/JsonToXml.xml was opened!
policy create

Create a new policy, you need to select the policy instance, the policy instance can have a wizard or template (if you no set, it will ask to you)

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ policy create AccessControl
? Select your policy:  Access Control
Enter the Display Name:Test
? Select no match rule for ipRules: Allow
? Select type match rule: Deny
Enter the ip match:
Enter the mask:32
? Select continue: Continue to finish
? Select Validation Based On: For all IP
./3/apiproxy/policies/AccessControl.xml was opened!

Command 'resource'

resource jsc

Open a jsc's resource in your text editor (if you no set, it will ask to you)

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ resource jsc test.js
./3/apiproxy/resources/jsc/test.js was opened!
resource node

Open a node's resource in your text editor (if you no set, it will ask to you)

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ resource node index.js
./3/apiproxy/resources/node/index.js was opened!


Command 'flow'

flow --proxyEndpoint

Graph as much as request and response, like the UI in Apigee

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ flow --proxyEndpoint default begin
|   Request ->                                                                 |
| +--------+                                                                   |
| | Create |                                                                   |
| +--------+                                                                   |
|                                                                <- Response   |
|                                                                  +---------+ |
|                                                                  | Prepare | |
|                                                                  +---------+ |

flow edit --proxyEndpoint

Open the flow xml in a separate file, the cli validate policies names and update the ProxyEndpoint XML

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ flow edit --proxyEndpoint default begin
./.tmpWatcher/proxyEndpoint_default_flow_begin.xml was opened!

Command 'settings'


List all settings that you can edit with his values

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ settings

│ Keys                                  │ Values                              │
│ apigee.username                       │ miguelati@gmail.com                 │
│ apigee.password                       │ ************                        │
│ apigee.organization                   │ org                                 │
│ editor                                │ sublime                             │
│ graph.withNames                       │ true                                │
│ live.validation                       │ true                                │
│ live.upload                           │ false                               │
│ template                              │                                     │
settings save

Edit a key of settings

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ settings save live.upload
? You want live upload? Yes
live.upload was changed!

Command 'info'


Information about your enviroment

myApiproxy(Rev3)$ info
│ Apigee-edge-cli Version               │ 1.0.7                               │
│ Apiproxy name                         │ myApiproxy                          │
│ Apiproxy actual revision              │ 3                                   │
│ Apiproxies revisions downloads        │ 3,2                                 │

Live Validation

When live.validations (in settings) is true, the cli validate the apiproxy's structure when was edit, add or remove any file


If a policy's name attributes change, he verify that be same that file's name, if it's different the cli rename the actual file with the correct name

ProxyEndpoints, TargetEndpoints, Policies & Resources

If you add, edit or remove one of these, the cli do the same if is necessary in APIProxy XML


You can edit a flow in a separate file, for a easy view

Live Upload

When live.upload is true, every time you edit a Policy or a Resource, the cli upload automatically in apigee.com


This project works with the following software:

  • Node.js 8.4
  • Git
