
An npm plugin for creating web applications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apigeon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apigeon';



Dependency Status

An npm plugin to generate a server application. It can be used with either standard http requests or websockets.


npm install apigeon


A basic example of how to use Apigeon.

'use strict'

const Url = require( 'url' )
const Apigeon = require( 'apigeon' )

const PORT = 8080

let server = new Apigeon( {
  mode: {
    http: true,
    socket: true
  httpRoutes: ( url ) => {
    let urlParts = Url.parse( url )
    return require( __dirname + '/routes/http' + urlParts.pathname )
  socketRoutes: ( url ) => {
    let urlParts = Url.parse( url )
    return require( __dirname + '/routes/socket' + urlParts.pathname )
} )

server.start( PORT )


Class Api documentation
Apigeon https://github.com/vladfilipro/apigeon/blob/master/docs/apigeon.md
ConnectionClass https://github.com/vladfilipro/apigeon/blob/master/docs/connection.md
ErrorClass https://github.com/vladfilipro/apigeon/blob/master/docs/error.md
RouteClass https://github.com/vladfilipro/apigeon/blob/master/docs/route.md
HttpRouteClass https://github.com/vladfilipro/apigeon/blob/master/docs/httproute.md
SocketRouteClass https://github.com/vladfilipro/apigeon/blob/master/docs/socketroute.md


In order to run the examples provided with the package, clone the repository found in github, and then run the following commands:

npm install

  • To test the examples:
node test
  • Navigate to :
  • http://localhost:8080 - you should get a 500 error
  • http://localhost:8080/?message=hello - you should get a text "Hello!"
  • http://localhost:8080/?message=redirect - you should be taken to github