
Takes an endpoint from APM's Images API and turns it into an <img /> object with srcset.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apmReactImage from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apm-react-image';



Takes an endpoint from APM's Images API and turns it into an <img /> object with srcset.


Simply run the command npm i apm-image-react or yarn add apm-image-react.


In files were you want to use the Image component, put import { Image } from 'apm-image-react' at the top of your file.

Available Properties

  • image: a JSON image object returned from APM's Images API
  • aspectRatio: used to specify which size of image you'd like returned from the API. Useless for other types of images
  • alt: set the image's alt attribute. Will override the automatic value of image.short_caption if applicable
  • elementClass: provide a custom className to this object, for use in styling, custom JavaScript, and so on
  • fallbackSrcSet: provide an alternative srcset attribute if you're not using the Images API
  • fallbackSrc: provide an alternative src attribute if you're not using the Images API.
  • sizes: provide guildelines for what the image size should be depending on various media queries