Finally an easy way to create custom GraphQL directives! With this package creating a custom schema directive is as easy as writing any other Apollo resolver.
This library aims to resolve this quote, and commonly shared opinion, from the Schema Directives docs:
...some of the examples may seem quite complicated. No matter how many tools and best practices you have at your disposal, it can be difficult to implement a non-trivial schema directive in a reliable, reusable way.
Implementing a custom schema directive used to be a very tedious and confusing process. With the addition of the graphql-tools
class a big leap in the direction of usability was made. But there was still a lot of uncertainty about how it could be used, especially for beginners to GraphQL. Many authors opted for simpler alternatives like higher order function resolver wrappers that behaved like directives. These wrappers, while simple, are undocumented in the schema and often require repetitive application and upkeep throughout the codebase.
What are the benefits of implementing directives vs using higher order resolver wrappers?
- your directives are officially documented as part of the schema itself
- write its resolver once and use it any number of times by simply
tagging Types and Type Fields in your schema that you want to apply it to - no more concerns of forgetting to wrap a resolver leading to unexpected behavior
- there is no "hidden" magic that requires digging throughout the resolvers to understand
This library makes implementing directives as simple as writing any other resolver in your Apollo Server. For those authors who are currently using higher order resolver wrappers transitioning to using directives is trivial.
current support
- directive targets (covers the vast majority of use cases):
: directives applied toType
definitions- the directive is applied to all the fields of the Object Type it is tagged on
: directives applied toType.field
definitions- the directive is applied only to the specific Object Type Field it is tagged on
- note this includes
are considered Object Types
- directive arguments
- unit and integration tests are available in the
directory. the integration tests also serve as example implementations and can be run with
# all tests
$ npm test
# integration tests
$ npm run test:integration
$ npm install apollo-directive
- once you have written the directive type def you can implement its resolver using one of the two package utilities:
- both tools make use of a
const directiveConfig = {
name: string, // required, the directive name
resolverReplacer: function, // required, see details below
hooks: { function, ... }, // optional, see details below
resolverReplacer and directiveResolver
const resolverReplacer = (originalResolver, directiveContext) =>
async function directiveResolver(...resolverArgs) {
// implement your directive logic in here
// use any of the original resolver arguments as needed by destructuring
const [root, args, context, info] = resolverArgs;
// use the directive context as needed
// access to information about the directive itself
const {
name, // the name of the directive
objectType, // the Object Type the directive is applied to
field, // the Object Type Field the directive is applied to
// can be aliased to avoid namespace conflicts
args: directiveArgs, // arguments supplied to the directive itself
} = directiveContext;
// you can execute the original resolver (to get its original return value):
const result = originalResolver.apply(this, args);
// or if the original resolver is async / returns a promise use await
// if you use await dont forget to make the directiveResolver async!
const result = await originalResolver.apply(this, args);
// process the result as dictated by your directive
// return a resolved value (this is what is sent back in the API response)
return resolvedValue;
- the
functions are used in a higher order function chain that returns aresolvedValue
- this sounds complicated but as seen above the implementation on your end is as intuitive as writing any other resolver
is used internally to replace the original resolver with yourdirectiveResolver
- used as a bridge between
and yourdirectiveResolver
- brings the
parameters into the scope of yourdirectiveResolver
- used as a bridge between
- the
function receives the original field resolver's arguments(root, args, context, info)
- these can be abbreviated into an array as
to make using theapply()
syntax easier (see below)
- the
must be a function declaration not an arrow function - executing the
must be done using theapply
// resolverArgs: [root, args, context, info]
result = originalResolver.apply(this, resolverArgs);
// you can await if the original resolver is async / returns a promise
result = await originalResolver.apply(this, resolverArgs);
// if you dont spread the parameters in the directiveResolver
// meaning you have directiveResolver(root, args, context, info)
// they must be placed into an array in the .apply() call
result = originalResolver.apply(this, [root, args, context, info]);
- boilerplates to get going quickly
// export the directiveConfig for use in createSchemaDirectives
module.exports = {
resolverReplacer: (originalResolver, directiveContext) =>
async function directiveResolver(...resolverArgs) {
// implement directive logic
// return the resolved value
// export the created directive ready to be put into serverConfig.schemaDirectives object
module.exports = createDirective({
resolverReplacer: (originalResolver, directiveContext) =>
async function directiveResolver(...resolverArgs) {
// implement directive logic
// return the resolved value
using createDirective
- use for creating a single directive resolver
- add the resolver to the Apollo Server
object- the name must match the
<directive name>
from the corresponding directive type definition in the schema
- the name must match the
const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server-X");
const { createDirective } = require("apollo-directives");
// assumes @admin directive type def has been added to schema
const adminDirectiveConfig = {
name: "admin",
resolverReplacer: requireAdminReplacer,
hooks: { /* optional hooks */ }
const adminDirective = createDirective(adminDirectiveConfig);
const server = new ApolloServer({
// typeDefs, resolvers, context, etc.
schemaDirectives: {
// the name key must match the directive name in the type defs, @admin in this case
admin: adminDirective,
using createSchemaDirectives
- accepts an array of directive config objects in
- assign the result to
in the Apollo Server constructor - creates each directive and provides them as the schemaDirectives object in
{ name: directiveResolver, ... }
const { ApolloServer } = require("apollo-server-X");
const { createSchemaDirectives } = require("apollo-directives");
// assumes @admin directive type def has been added to schema
const adminDirectiveConfig = {
name: "admin", // must match the name of the directive @<name>
resolverReplacer: requireAdminReplacer,
hooks: { /* optional hooks */ }
const server = new ApolloServer({
// typeDefs, resolvers, context, etc.
// pass an array of directive config objects to create the schemaDirectives object
schemaDirectives: createSchemaDirectives({
directiveConfigs: [adminDirectiveConfig],
}), // returns { name: directiveResolver, ... }
directive config
is validated and will throw an Error for missing or invalid properties- shape
const directiveConfig = {
name: string, // required, see details below
resolverReplacer: function, // required, see signature below
hooks: { function, ... }, // optional, see signatures below
- a higher order function used to bridge information between
and the directive logic in thedirectiveResolver
- used in
parameter - may not be
- must return a function that implements the
signature (the same as the standard Apollo resolver) - signature
resolverReplacer(originalResolver, directiveContext) ->
directiveResolver(root, args, context, info) -> resolved value
- the
object provides access to information about the directive itself - you can use this information in the
as needed - see the [objectType] and [field] shapes
const {
name, // the name of the directive
objectType, // the Object Type the directive is applied to
field, // the Object Type Field the directive is applied to
// you can alias the args as directiveArgs to avoid naming conflicts in the directiveResolver
args: directiveArgs, // object of arguments supplied to the directive itself
} = directiveContext;
- a higher order function used to transform the result or behavior of the
- must be a function declaration not an arrow function
- may be
if you need to work with promises - must return a valid resolved value (valid according to the schema)
- for example if your schema dictates that the resolved value may not be
then you must support this rule by not returningundefined
from thedirectiveResolver
- for example if your schema dictates that the resolved value may not be
- signature:
directiveResolver(root, args, context, info) -> resolved value
directiveResolver(...resolverArgs) -> resolved value
- the name of the directive (same as the name in the directive type definition in the schema)
- used for improving performance when directives are registered on server startup
- added as
property on theobjectType
- you can read more from this Apollo Docs: Schema Directives section
- added as
- when using the
utility- used as the directive identifier in the
object - ex: directive type def
thenname = "admin"
- used as the directive identifier in the
- provide access to each step of the process as the directive resolver is applied during server startup
- purely observational, nothing returned from these functions is used
- can be used for logging or debugging
- called once for each Object Type definition that the directive has been applied to
- called before the directive is applied to the Object Type
- receives the directiveContext object
- note that
will beundefined
for this hook
- note that
- signature
onVisitObject(directiveContext) -> void
- called once for each Object Type field definition that the directive has been applied to
- called before the directive is applied to the field
- receives the directiveContext object
- signature
onvisitFieldDefinition(directiveContext) -> void
- called immediately before the directive is applied
- directive applied to an Object Type (
): called once for each field in the Object - directive applied to a field (
): called once for the field - called after
is executed
- directive applied to an Object Type (
- receives the directiveContext object
- technical note: using the directive name,
, the internal method applying the directive will exit early for the following case:- directives that are applied to both an object and its individual field(s) will exit early to prevent duplicate application of the directive
will not be called a second time for this case due to exiting early- this is a performance measure that you can read more about from this Apollo Docs: Schema Directives section
- signature
onApplyDirective(directiveContext) -> void;
schema directive type definitions and usage
- learn more about writing directive type defs or see the examples below
creating schema directive type defs
# only able to tag Object Type Fields
directive @<directive name> on FIELD_DEFINITION
# only able to tag Object Types
directive @<directive name> on OBJECT
# able to tag Object Types and Object Type Fields
directive @<directive name> on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
# alternate accepted syntax
directive @<directive name> on
# adding a description to a directive
directive description
(can be multi-line)
directive @<directive name> on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
using directives in your schema type defs
- applying directives is as simple as "tagging" them onto an Object Type or one of its fields
# tagging an Object Type Field
type SomeType {
# the directive resolver is executed when access to the tagged field(s) is made
aTaggedField: String @<directive name>
type Query {
queryName: ReturnType @<directive name>
# tagging an Object Type
type SomeType @<directive name> {
# the directive is applied to every field in this Type
# the directive resolver is executed when any access to this Type's fields (through queries / mutations / nesting) are made
# multiple directives can be tagged, space-separated
type SomeType @firstDirective @secondDirective {
# applying a directive to a list type must be to the right of the closing bracket
aTaggedField: [TypeName] @<directive name>
example of defining and using a schema directive
- a basic example
returns all String scalar values in upper case
directive @upperCase on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
# the Object Type itself is tagged
# all of the fields in this object will have the @upperCase directive applied
type User @upperCase {
id: ID!
username: String!
friends: [User!]!
type Dog {
id: ID!
# only Dog.streetAddress will have the directive applied
streetAddress: String! @upperCase
- a more complex example of an authentication / authorization directive
- this directive can receive a
argument with an array ofRole
enum elements- directives argument(s) are available in the
- directives argument(s) are available in the
- the
argument has a default value set as[ADMIN]
- if no argument is provided (just
) then this default argument will be provided as["ADMIN"]
- if no argument is provided (just
# example of a directive to enforce authentication / authorization
# you can provide a default value just like arguments to any other definition
directive @auth(requires: [Role] = [ADMIN]) on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
# assumes a ROLE enum has been defined
enum Role {
USER # any authenticated user
SELF # the authenticated user only
ADMIN # admins only
# apply the directive to an entire Object Type
# because no argument is provided the default ([ADMIN]) is used
type PaymentInfo @auth {
# all of the fields in this Object Type will have the directive applied requiring ADMIN permissions
type User {
# authorization for the authenticated user themself or an admin
email: EmailAddress! @auth(requires: [SELF, ADMIN])
what targets should the directive be applied to?
- note that queries and resolver type definitions are considered fields of the
Object Types - directive needs to transform the result of a resolver
- tag the directive on a field
- any access to the field will execute the directive
- examples
- upper case a value
- translate a value
- format a date string
- directive needs to do some auxiliary behavior in a resolver
- tag the directive on a field, object, or both
- any queries that request values (directly or through nesting) from the tagged object and / or field will execute the directive
- examples
- enforcing authentication / authorization
- logging
- annotated example from Apollo Docs: Schema Directives - Uppercase String
- corresponds to the following directive type def
directive @upperCase on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
// the resolverReplacer function
const upperCaseReplacer = (originalResolver, directiveContext) =>
// the directiveResolver function
async function upperCaseResolver(...resolverArgs) {
// execute the original resolver to store its output for directive processing below
const result = await originalResolver.apply(this, resolverArgs);
// return the a valid resolved value after directive processing
if (typeof result === "string") {
return result.toUpperCase();
return result;
module.exports = upperCaseReplacer;
the objectType and field shapes
- these two objects can be found in the
object - provide access to information about the Object Type or Object Type Field the directive is being applied to
- use the following shapes as a guide or use the hooks to log these in more detail as needed
- to expand the objects (incluidng AST nodes) in your log use
JSON.stringify(objectType | field, null, 2)
- to expand the objects (incluidng AST nodes) in your log use
- Object Type information
const {
astNode, // AST object
_fields, // the Object Type's fields { fieldName: fieldObject }
} = objectType;
- Object Type Field information
const {
args: [{
}, ...],
astNode, // AST object
} = field;
- it is unlikely you will need to access this property
- this is a parsed object of the AST for the Object Type or Object Type Field
const {
description: {
loc: { start, end },
name: {
loc: { start, end },
interfaces: [],
directives: [{
name: {
loc: { start, end },
arguments: [{
name: {
loc: { start, end },
}, ...],
}, ...],
fields: [{
astNode: [
// for non-scalar types
}, ...],
} = astNode;