Helper for apollo-server
Install with npm:
$ npm install --save apollo-server-tools
const path = require('path');
const { syncDocs, CommentVersionPlugin } = require('apollo-server-tools');
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server');
const request = require('request-promise');
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
# [deprecated] 1.0.0 Deprecated, add reason and what to do...
messages: [Message!]!
# [deprecated] 2.0.0 Also Deprecated, notice the date
type Message {
id: String
# [deprecated] 3.0.0 Yep, Deprecated, we can deprecate everything now
content: String
# [required] 3.0.0
payload: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
messages: () => [
{ id: 1, content: 'Data', payload: null }
const server = new ApolloServer({
plugins: [CommentVersionPlugin({
apiVersionHeader: 'x-api-version',
forceSunset: false,
sunsetDurationInDays: 7 * 52,
versions: {
'0.0.1': '2018-01-01',
'1.0.0': '2019-01-01',
'2.0.0': '2019-02-02',
'3.0.0': '2019-03-03'
introspection: false // clients should obtain this from the generated file (see below)
// --- deprecation header are returned when deprecated functionality is accessed
server.listen().then(async (serverInfo) => {
const r = await request({
method: 'POST',
uri: `${serverInfo.url}graphql`,
json: true,
body: { query: 'query Messages { messages { id, content } }' },
headers: {
'x-api-version': '0.0.1'
resolveWithFullResponse: true
// As per example
console.log('Deprecation Header:', r.headers.deprecation);
console.log('Sunset Header:', r.headers.sunset);
console.log('Response Body:', JSON.stringify(r.body));
// --- how you could sync graph api documentation to file
syncDocs(path.join(__dirname, 'graph-docs.json'), server.schema);
parseInfo({ ast, fragments = {}, vars = {} })
Parse info object to easily access relevant information.
getDeprecationMeta({ versions, sunsetDurationInDays, schema, ast, fragments = {}, vars = {} })
Parse out relevant deprecation information for all accessed functionality.
Expects custom deprecation syntax, see below.
The versions
parameter is expected to be an object mapping versions to their respective introduction Date.
Can e.g. be used to return a Sunset
getDeprecationDetails({ schema, ast, fragments = {}, vars = {} })
Fetch deprecated entities that are accessed by the query. Expects custom deprecation syntax, see below.
CommentVersionPlugin({ sunsetDurationInDays: Integer, forceSunset: Boolean, versions: Object })
Graphql Plugin that injects appropriate headers into responses.
If forceSunset is set to true and sunset functionality is accessed, an error is thrown.
Versions is expected to be an object mapping versions to their creation date string as "YYYY-MM-DD".
Can make optional arguments required from a certain version by using e.g [required] 1.0.0
as a comment.
syncDocs(filepath, schema, stripDeprecated = true)
Write introspection result into file. Order is stable. Returns true iff the content has changed. Deprecated entities are removed if option is set. Expects custom deprecation syntax, see below.
generateDocs(schema, stripDeprecated = true)
Generate and return introspection result. Deprecated entities are removed if option is set. Expects custom deprecation syntax, see below.
Deprecation Syntax
Deprecation functionality is very limited in graphql. This tool allows overloading of comments, which means that everything in the schema can be deprecated.
The deprecation comment is expected to be in the form [deprecated] YYYY-MM-DD description
, where the date indicates the date of deprecation.