
npx create-app-starter my-app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appStarter from '';


Get Started

npx create-app-starter my-app

# If you want to create a pure js/css/html app include `vanilla` as the 4th argument
npx create-app-starter my-app vanilla


git clone my-app

cd my-app

# If you want to create a pure js/css/html app include
# checkout the vanilla branch
git checkout vanilla

npm install

That's it.

Code Splitting

Add additional packages to package.json's "webpack.entry" config.

"webpack": {
  "entry": {
    "index.html": "./src/index.html",
    "index.js": "./src/index.js",

    "login.html": "./src/login.html",
    "login.js": "./src/login.js"

.env Environment Vars

Want to expose environment variables to your javascript? Use a .env file in the root of your project. The variables will be accessible on process.env, such as process.env.PUBLIC_KEY_EXAMPLE.

Although these values are not committed to your github repo when .env is gitignored, they ARE transpiled in your clientside code, so don't use any private secrets, or anything you don't want others to find.

Restarting your app between .env changes is required.

"webpack": {
  "env": {

Heroku Integration

Heroku cli is required, if not already installed you can install heroku cli with brew.

brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku


Any .env vars in use need to be added to the ARG section of the Dockerfile found in the root of your project.

# dockerfile build arg example

To publish to heroku, your project will need to be added to heroku once:


After this you can deploy the project to heroku using:
