
Loader for Webpack to append and prepend text to files.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appendPrependLoader from '';



npm: append-prepend-loader License

Loader for Webpack to append and prepend text to files. The only one that still works.


  • With npm:
npm i --save-dev append-prepend-loader
  • With yarn:
yarn add --dev append-prepend-loader



module.exports = {
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                use: [
                        loader: "append-prepend-loader",
                        options: {
                            prepend: "console.log('Top');",
                            append: "console.log('Bottom');",

append and prepend can be one of the T:

  • string
  • function: (content: string, map: SourceMap, meta: Meta) => T
  • asynchronous function: (content: string, map: SourceMap, meta: Meta) => Thenable<T>
  • callback function: (content: string, map: SourceMap, meta: Meta, callback: (error, result) => void) => void
  • Thenable<T>
  • object (which will be converted to json)

More complex example:

   loader: "append-prepend-loader",
   options: {
       prepend: async (content) => {
           const header = await foo(content);
           return header.trim();
       append: (content, map, meta, callback) => {
           baz(content, footer => callback(null, footer.trim()))