
Command Line Interface to interact with AppsNgen API. It is a single enry point to AppsNgen capabilities such as: * create widget * preview widget locally * upload widget to the AppsNgen system * preview at AppsNgen website * create native allication based on widget. Currently we use Apache Cordova for native applications generation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appsngenCli from '';


appsngen-cli Build Status

Command Line Interface to interact with AppsNgen API. It is a single enry point to AppsNgen capabilities such as:

  • create widget
  • preview widget locally
  • upload widget to the AppsNgen system
  • preview at AppsNgen website
  • create native allication based on widget. Currently we use Apache Cordova for native applications generation


You should have installed npm and node(

Run in terminal npm install -g appsngen-cli(for Mac add sudo)


appsngen login - logins user to appsngen

appsngen logout - logout user from appsngen

appsngen widget create <name> [path] - generate basic project structure with given name (if path is specified, then generate project at given path). Constrains for widget name:

  • max length is 50 characters
  • name shouldn't be empty (or consist only of whitespaces)
  • should consist of latin letters, numbers or secial characters: ".", "-", "_".
  • should be unique within organization

appsngen widget build [widget_name] [options] - build appsngen widget, if name is specified then run command in widget_name folder.

  • --verbose - prints all logs in time of build.

appsngen widget preview [widget_name] - preview widget locally in dev-box, if name is specified then run command in widget_name folder.

appsngen widget deploy [widget_name] - deploy widget to, if name is specified then run command in widget_name folder.

appsngen widget list - print list of widgets

appsngen widget list add <name> <path> - add widget to widgets list

appsngen widget list remove <name> [option] - remove widget from widgets list

  • --hard - remove project folder of widget
  • --clear-all - remove all widget from widgets list with their folders