
Parse APT's key-value files and retrieve all the values as a Map

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aptParser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apt-parser';


APT Parser

This library is capable of parsing files used within the APT Package Manager.
A typical APT repository advertises a release file and packages file, both of which use a key-value organization system to declare information. This library is able to parse the data and return it as type-safe objects for usage in JavaScript and TypeScript projects.


npm install --save apt-parser

Release Parsing

Here's an example for getting the information out of a Release file:

import axios from 'axios';
import { Release } from 'apt-parser';

const { data } = await axios.get('http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/Release');
const release = new Release(data);

console.log(release.origin); // => Ubuntu
console.log(release.version); // => 22.04
console.log(release.get('InvalidKey')); // => null

A full Release object has the following properties attached on it, all of which map to documented APT fields.
For more information on the Debian Repository Format, see https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format.

interface IRelease {
    architectures: string[]               // => Architectures
    noSupportForArchitectureAll?: boolean // => No-Support-For-Architecture-All
    description?: string                  // => Description
    origin?: string                       // => Origin
    label?: string                        // => Label
    suite: string                         // => Suite
    codename: string                      // => Codename
    version?: string                      // => Version
    date?: Date                           // => Date
    validUntil?: Date                     // => Valid-Until
    components: string[]                  // => Components
    md5?: ReleaseHash[]                   // => MD5Sum
    sha1?: ReleaseHash[]                  // => SHA1
    sha256?: ReleaseHash[]                // => SHA256
    sha512?: ReleaseHash[]                // => SHA512
    notAutomatic?: boolean                // => NotAutomatic
    butAutomaticUpgrades?: boolean        // => ButAutomaticUpgrades
    acquireByHash?: boolean               // => Acquire-By-Hash
    signedBy?: string[]                   // => Signed-By
    packagesRequireAuthorization: boolean // => Packages-Require-Authorization

    get(key: string): string | undefined  // => Retrieve a raw field value not assigned a strict type
    get fieldCount(): number              // => Get total number of fields in the Release contents

type ReleaseHash = {
    filename: string
    hash: string
    size: number

Binary Control Parsing

Here's an example for getting the information out of a binary control file:

import { Release } from 'apt-parser';

const data =
Package: com.amywhile.signalreborn
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: Visualise your nearby cell towers
Depends: firmware (>= 12.2) | org.swift.libswift
Maintainer: Amy While <support@anamy.gay>
Section: Applications
Version: 2.2.1-2
Installed-Size: 1536
Custom-Key: cool-value

const control = new BinaryControl(data);

console.log(control.version); // => 2.2.1-2
console.log(control.package); // => com.amywhile.signalreborn
console.log(control.get('Custom-Key')); // => cool-value
console.log(control.get('Invalid-Key')); // => null

A full BinaryControl object has the following properties attached on it, all of which map to documented APT fields.
For more information on the Debian Control Format, see https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html.

interface IBinaryControl {
    package: string                       // => Package
    source?: string                       // => Source
    version: string                       // => Version
    section?: string                      // => Section
    priority?: PriorityLevel              // => Priority
    architecture: string                  // => Architecture
    essential?: boolean                   // => Essential

    depends?: string[]                    // => Depends
    preDepends?: string[]                 // => Pre-Depends
    recommends?: string[]                 // => Recommends
    suggests?: string[]                   // => Suggests
    replaces?: string[]                   // => Replaces
    enhances?: string[]                   // => Enhances
    breaks?: string[]                     // => Breaks
    conflicts?: string[]                  // => Conflicts

    installedSize?: number               // => Installed-Size
    maintainer: string                    // => Maintainer
    description: string                   // => Description
    homepage?: string                     // => Homepage
    builtUsing?: string                   // => Built-Using
    packageType?: PackageType             // => Package-Type

    get(key: string): string | undefined  // => Retrieve a raw field value not assigned a strict type
    get fieldCount(): number              // => Get total number of fields in the control contents

Packages Parsing

Here's an example for getting the information out of a Packages file:

import axios from 'axios';
import { Packages } from 'apt-parser';

const { data } = await axios.get('https://repo.chariz.com/Packages');
const packages = new Packages(data);

for (const pkg of packages) {
    console.log(pkg.package); // Package Identifier
    console.log(pkg.get('InvalidKey')); // => null

A full Packages object has the following properties attached on it, all of which map to documented APT fields.
For more information on the Debian Repository Format, see https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format.

interface IPackage extends IBinaryControl {
    filename: string                      // => Filename
    size: number                          // => Size
    md5?: string                          // => MD5sum
    sha1?: string                         // => SHA1
    sha256?: string                       // => SHA256
    sha512?: string                       // => SHA512
    descriptionMd5?: string               // => Description-md5

    get(key: string): string | undefined  // => Retrieve a raw field value not assigned a strict type
    get fieldCount(): number              // => Get total number of fields in the package contents

interface IPackages extends Array<IPackage> {
    constructor(rawData: string) // Pass in the raw contents of the file