A list of Arabic personal names. Useful for generating realistic user profile in tests.
npm install --save arabic-personal-names
The module is extremely easy to use:
var names = require('arabic-personal-names')
console.log(names.male) // array with male first names, sorted alphabetically
console.log(names.female) // array with female first names, alphabetically
console.log(names.last) // array with last names, alphabetically
You can also require each array as JSON:
var male = require('arabic-personal-names/male.json')
var female = require('arabic-personal-names/female.json')
var last = require('arabic-personal-names/last.json')
Usage with Chance.js
The most common use for this module might be to generate random Arabic names for use in project tests. One possible way to do that is to combine this module with a psuedo-random data generator, like the excellent Chance library:
var Chance = require('chance'),
names = require('arabic-personal-names')
var chance = new Chance() // You can also pass a constant seed for reproducible tests
var male = {
// pick a random male first name
firstName: chance.pick(names.male),
// pick a random last name
lastName: chance.pick(names.last)
var female = {
firstName: chance.pick(names.female),
lastName: chance.pick(names.last)
console.log(male.firstName + ' ' + male.lastName)
// مازن قطان
console.log(female.firstName + ' ' + female.lastName)
// بنان حسين