
Convert url query string to ArangoDB friendly query object.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arangodbQueryParser from '';



Convert url query string to ArangoDB database AQL query.


Supports most of the ArangoDB operators and features including filters, sorting, limit, skip, populating and aggregations.

Note: as this library allows to create heavy and/or unintentional database queries use it with caution in public environments!


npm install arangodb-query-parser



import { ArangoDbQueryParser } from 'arangodb-query-parser';

const parser = new ArangoDbQueryParser(options?: ParserOptions)
const queryOptions = parser.parse(query: string, predefined: any) : QueryOptions



Initialize parser with given options.


  • ParserOptions: Object for advanced options:
    • dateFormat: Date format, default is ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
    • whitelist: String array of fields allowed to be in the filter
    • blacklist: String array of fields disallowed to be in the filter
    • casters: Custom casters
    • castParams: Caster parameters
    • collection: Name of the collection for query
    • populateMapping: Field to collection mappings
    • populateAlways: Related collections/fields that are always populated
    • fieldsKey: Name of the query parameter used for selected fields
    • populateKey: Name of the query parameter used for reference population
    • sortKey: Name of the query parameter used for sorting
    • limitKey: Name of the query parameter for result count limit and skip
    • filterKey: Name of the query parameter for filters
    • aggregateKey: Name of the query parameter for aggregations

parser.parse(query, predefined)

Parses the query parameters into a QueryOptions object.


  • query: query string part of the requested API URL (ie, firstName=John&limit=10). [required]
  • predefined: object for predefined queries/string templates [optional]


  • QueryOptions: object contains the following properties:
    • filter.filters contains the query string
    • filter.bindVars contains the query binding values
    • fields contains the query projection
    • populate paths to populate
    • sort,
    • limit contains the cursor modifiers for paging purposes.
    • aggregate contains the parsed aggregations


All other query parameters are considered to be filters. Example:


Specifies filters for firstName and lastName fields. Several values can be separated with comma for alternatives (OR):


Value can be a regular expression:


Other signs for number and date fields:

?price<1000      // price is less than 1000
?price!=1000     // price is not 1000
?price>=1000     // price is larger or equal to 1000
?categories?=party // categories array includes party (any)
?categories*=party // categories array includes party (all)
?categories#=party // categories array does not include party (none)

Filters are excluding by default (AND): you can create OR by adding pipe character in front of the field name:

?price<1000&|price>1500      // price is less than 1000 or larger than 1500


Result fields can be specified in the format:



Result limits can be specified in the format:


will return 10 items. Optionally you can add starting offset:


will return 10 items starting from 30.


Sorting can be specified in the format:


will sort first by creationDate ascending and then by price descending.


Two choices for relationship population exists:

  1. "Hardcoded" population with option populateAlways and populateMapping.
  2. Permissive population with option populateMapping and parsed parameter populate.

The option populateMapping is used for mapping allowed relationships (field to collection).

Option populateAlways can be used for specifying which relationships are always populated.

Example 1 - map field owner to collection users and field parent to collection customers:

const parser = new ArangoDbQueryParser({
    collection: 'customers',
    populateMapping: { owner: 'users', parent: 'customers' },

Then the query URL can specify which relationships to populate, for example:


will populate all fields from owner and fields name & name2 from parent.

Example 2 - map field owner to collection users and field parent to collection customers, specify that all fields from owner and name field from parent are always populated:

const parser = new ArangoDbQueryParser({
    collection: 'customers',
    populateMapping: { owner: 'users', parent: 'customers' },
    populateAlways: 'owner,'

You can disable default populates with dash:


To disable all populates use a dash only:



Aggregations can be specified in the format:

field,field2:as func field3


  • field and field2 are the grouping fields
  • as is the name of the aggregation
  • func is the aggregation function (avg, sum, min, max, length, stddev, variance, count, count_distinct, unique, sorted_unique)
  • field3 is the name of the aggregated field


?aggregate=owner,status:totalPrice sum sum,averagePrice avg sum,priceCount count sum

You can leave out the grouping fields:

?aggregate=totalCount count owner

will create query for aggregation without grouping.



  • queryOptions: query options created by parse method. [required]


  • query: AQL query (as string) created from the query options. This can be used together with queryoptions filter.bindVars to run the query in ArangoDB.




This library is heavily based on mongoose-query-parser by Leodinas Hao