An example Arc application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arcAppExample from '';


Arc Example App

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  • This app demonstrates how to create a microservice, and add functionality with an extension using Arc.


npm install



module.exports = () => {
  return `Hello, World!`;
  • A micoservice at it's most basic is just a node module.
  • If you want to know more about microservices, check the Arc wiki.

Microservice Configuration


module.exports = {
  'Example': {
    protocol   : `example-protocol-name://`,
    resource   : `example`,
    description: `This is a basic microservice example`
  • A microservice configuration is an object that has properties used for configuartions
  • If you want to know about how to configure a microservice, check the Arc wiki.

The Application


const arc          = require(`arcms`);
const apiExtension = require(`arc.extension-api`);
const config       = require(`./microservice/example/config`);

// Add the API extension to Arc and set the API extension to run on port 8080
arc.addExtension(apiExtension, {
  port: 8080

// Arc configures and starts an example microservice
  .then(() => {
    console.log(`Arc Example Online`.bold.cyan);
  • You can learn more about Arc extensions in the Arc wiki.
  • You can learn more about configuring microservices in the Arc wiki.

Start Redis

sudo service redis-server start


npm start
  • View the API by visiting http://localhost:8080