
nodejs boilerplate & utility

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arjuna from '';


Arjuna 😎

Death simple nodejs boilerplate & utility wrapper

❓ Motivations

  • Provide easy to use interfaces for nodejs application
  • Standarize coding style among teams and applications
  • Decrease repeatable things, write once run everywhere (DRY)
  • Increase software quality by using well tested utility library

🖖 Usage

Using npm

  npm install arjuna

In NodeJS

  /** file: app.js **/ 
  const { Text } = require('arjuna');
  const randomText2 = Text.random(30); //ifjaok89ewsmapxbgiodkap75nnmkvc

📋 Docs

Complete documentations are available here


  • ✔️ Available with test
  • ⚠️ Available without test (Use with your own risk 😆)
  • ❌ Unavailable yet
  • ❓ Ideation/request

Status Facade Method Description
Datastore Package
✔️ Redis get supported: redis
✔️ set
✔️ del
✔️ expire
✔️ increment
✔️ decrement
✔️ resetCounter
✔️ flushCurrentDb
✔️ Config set Set object data by a unique key into file
✔️ get get object data by a unique key from a file
✔️ all get all object data from file
Log Package
✔️ Log report supported: slack
✔️ consoleReport
✔️ localReport
✔️ onlineReport
Manipulator Package
✔️ Date getFullDate get date (Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, Default: Current Date)
✔️ getOnlyDate get date (Format: YYYY-MM-DD, Default: Current Date)
✔️ moment return moment instance
✔️ wait
✔️ Html encode encode html tag into html entity
✔️ decode decode html entity into html tag
✔️ toText convert html tag into plain text
✔️ Number random
✔️ currency
✔️ Text random
✔️ isValidYoutubeUrl
✔️ getYoutubeVideoId
✔️ slugify
✔️ uuid
✔️ isValidUuid
✔️ getUuidVersion
✔️ mask
✔️ Security createRandomKey
✔️ createRandomSecret
✔️ encrypt
✔️ decrypt
✔️ Object renameKey
Network Package
✔️ Event publish supported: rabbitmq
✔️ subscribe
✔️ enqueue
✔️ dequeue
✔️ Request get perform http get request
✔️ post perform http post request
✔️ put perform http put request
✔️ patch perform http patch request
✔️ delete perform http delete request
✔️ multiple perform multiple http request
✔️ Response setCode
✔️ setStatus
✔️ setMessage
✔️ setData
✔️ setError
✔️ toObject
✔️ toJson
✔️ success
✔️ error
✔️ invalid
✔️ forbidden
✔️ notFound
✔️ unauthenticate
✔️ badGateway
✔️ requestTimeout
Pattern Package
✔️ Command execute
✔️ Query get
✔️ Factory create
✔️ Operation run
✔️ Provider register
✔️ Repository all
✔️ get
✔️ create
✔️ first
✔️ update
✔️ delete
✔️ insert
✔️ findByIdentifier
✔️ generateQueryFromParams
✔️ getTransactionFromParams
✔️ registerStaticFunctions
✔️ registerStaticFunction
✔️ getMethodNames
Serialization Package
✔️ Protobuf encode
✔️ decode
✔️ verify
✔️ createSchema
✔️ Base64 encode
✔️ decode
Structure Package
✔️ Entity setParams set entity property from an object
✔️ SqlModel instance
✔️ registerDefaultStaticFunctions
✔️ registerStaticFunctions
✔️ createSqlModel
✔️ getOption
✔️ ViewModel setParams
✔️ toObject
✔️ toJson
Unavailable packages - coming soon, maybe?
Controller constructor supported: express req/res
Middleware validation supported: express req/res
monitoring supported: prometheus
Builder build

✔️ Test & Coverages

Running test without coverage + watchers

  npm run test-minimal

Running test with coverage

  npm run test

Running unit test

  npm run test-unit

Running integration test (make sure you setup .env.test, check .env.example for more info)

  npm run test-integration

Test Coverages

Test coverages

😋 Dependencies

1. Utility: moment, numeral, uuid, nodemon, lodash, body-parser, dotenv, protobufjs, slugify, html-entities, html-to-text
2. ORM: sequelize, mysql2, mongoose
3. Networking: axios
4. Messaging: amqplib
5. Security: bcryptjs, jsonwebtoken
6. Logging: morgan, rotating-file-stream
7. Testing: mocha, nyc, chai, chai-like, chai-things, supertest

🤩 Contributor

Feel free to contribute

💖 Support

This is open source project feel free to contributes and supporting us through: Idaman

📜 License