
Library to bootstrap express applications with zero configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arrowExpress from '';


Arrow Express

Aim of this library is to make express applications bootstrapping easy and fast with zero configuration.

Main principles:

  • Use arrow functions :)
  • Avoid adding complex configuration, lib will work out of the box
  • Focus on clean functional programming, avoid usage of complex additional configuration ideas like decorators etc.
  • Flexibility and ease of use


To install package use command:

npm install arrow-express

Example code

import Express from 'express';
import Compression from 'compression';
import cors from 'cors';

import {Application, Controller, Route} from 'arrow-express';

const ExpressApp = Express();

  port: 8080,
  app: ExpressApp
          (req) => getUser(
          (req) => createUser(
 * Created paths in express application:
 * GET:/users
 * POST:/users/create
 * For full example application check out example folder.



Point of start for every application. Here you can configure Express application or port used by your application.

Application Methods

  • registerController - register controller in application.
  • start - starts application, register controllers routes in express app and connect to configured port

Example usage of Application

  port: 8080,
  app: Express(),


Controller is used to manage group of routes.

Example usage of Controller

import {Application, Controller} from 'arrow-express';

function LoginController () {
  return Controller()

function UserController () {
  return Controller()

Application({port: 8080})

Controller Methods

  • prefix - register controller prefix which will be used by all routes
  • registerRoute - register route in controller


Route is used to manage route handling.

Example usage of route

import {Application, Controller, Route} from 'arrow-express';

function CheckToken (): UserId {
  // here we check if user is logged by proper token
  return userId;

function getUserRoute() {
  return Route()
    .handler(async (req: Express.Request, res: Express.Response, userId: UserId) => {
      // here we can get user using UserId received from guard
      return user;

function LoginController () {
  return Controller()

Application({port: 8080})

// Registered path will be: '/user/myself'

Route Methods

  • method - register method used for route
  • path - register path of route alongside with prefix it is used to create full path
  • handler - set request handler, here you can handle request
  • contextGuard - used to add pre-checks or side operations for request if guard throw error, handler is not called

Route handler

Route handler receive 3 arguments:

  • request - which is Express.Request for path
  • response - which is Express.Response
  • context - which is optional context returned by last guard

Features of route handler:

  • Route handler can return Promise or Object which will be send back with response code 200.
  • Route handler can also send response itself using res then library won't try to send result pf handler.
  • Route handler can also setup custom response code then arrow-express won't override it.
  • If route handler will throw RequestError, RequestError will be used to send back desired response.

Route Guard

Route Guard receive 2 arguments:

  • request - which is Express.Request for path
  • response - which is Express.Response

Route Guard can return context which can be used in handler later. If route guard throw error route handler won't be called.