
Andre's web components collection

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arsWebComponents from '';


Andre's web components collection

To test the components you need to start the web server in the directory above 'ars-web-components'.

Also, the directory 'arslib' must be a sibling of 'ars-web-components' This happens automatically if you are installing the package from npm (npm install ars-web-components).

With the setup discussed above you can experiment with the web components in the following manner.

ars-button http://localhost:8080/ars-web-components/ars-button/test/index.html

ars-calendar http://localhost:8080/ars-web-components/ars-calendar/test/index.html

ars-dialog http://localhost:8080/ars-web-components/ars-dialog/test/index.html

Usage example:

import { ArsButton } from 'ars-web-components'

To check wich files you can import, look into index.js, in the package root folder.