
Node.js release management.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import artie from '';



Node.js release management.

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  • Creates release packages from node.js projects. The packages are self-contained executables.
  • Uploads packages as attached files to GitHub releases.
  • Downloads the latest package from GitHub and sets up permissions and symlinks.


artie upload [-o <os>] [-a <arch>] [-n <node version>] [-t <token>]

Packages the node.js project in the current directory as an executable archive using nar. The archive layout can be configured in package.json.

If the current commit also has a tag, the package is uploaded and attached to the GitHub release with the same tag.

If we are not on a tag, we assume that this package is for development purposes, and a new GitHub draft release is created using the abbreviated commit object as the name.

artie download <owner> <repo> [-o <os>] [-a <arch>] [-p] [-t <token>]

Queries GitHub for the latest package matching the supplied os and arch, and downloads the package (if it doesn't already exist) to the current directory. Creates a symlink with the same name as <repo> pointing to the newly downloaded file.

If -p is specified, we will only download fully tagged production releases. Otherwise, we will also consider draft releases.

Releases marked as pre-release will never be downloaded.

Node.js version

The version of the embedded node.js executable is determined as follows:

  1. If the -n options is specified, we will use that.
  2. If .nvmrc exists in the project root, we will look for a node.js version there.
  3. Otherwise, fall back to the system default.


artie needs a personal access token to be able to work with GitHub. It can be supplied either with the -t <token> option or by setting the GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable.

Slack notifications

export SLACK_CHANNEL=general