
asset-bundle integration for WebPack

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import assetWebpack from '';



A WebPack plugin that combines all your SVG assets into a asset-provider compatible bundle.

Table of Contents


npm install --save asset-webpack


Import the loader in to your webpack.config.js:

import SVGBundler from 'asset-webpack';

const bundle = new SVGBundler('bundle.svgs', { /* opts */ });

The first argument is the name the bundle. It should be single file name, and it will be placed in the output directory that you specified in the WebPack configuration. The filename supports the following (template) replacements:

  • [hash] Will be replaced with a MD5 hash of the resulting bundle.

The second argument is an options object that allows you to further configure the plugin, and the bundle system. The following options are supported:

  • namespace Should we use the folder structure of the assets as namespaces, defaults to false.
  • root Location of the root directory that used to generate the namespaces.
  • bundler Options that will be passed in to the asset-bundle constructor.
  • modify An object where the key is the name of the modifer and the value the function that does the modification. This will be passed in to bundle#modify.
  • plugins Plugins that need to be assigned to the asset-bundle instance. The plugins option should be an Array of arrays which is spread on the bundle#plugin method.
  namespace: true,
  bundler: {
    multipass: true,
  modify: {
    color: function () { .. }
  plugins: [
    [Constructor, { options }, args, etc],
    [Constructor, { options }, args, etc]

Configure the loader

First we need to ensure that .svg files are handled by the bundle. Update the module rules/loaders to contain the following:

module: {
  rules: [
    { test: /\.svg$/, use: bundle.loader() }

The bundle.loader() will return a correctly pre-configured loader so we can replace the contents of the file, and introduce it into the svgs bundle.

Insert the bundle instance as plugin

Last but not least, pass the created bundle instance into the plugin array of your webpack.config.js:

  plugins: [ bundle ]

And done, you've completed the following steps:

  • Created a new Bundle instance
  • Used it's loader method to configure the correct loader
  • Passed the instance into the plugin array

Producing a bundle

Create the entry file that requires the SVG assets:


In addition to producing the bundled SVG, we've also rewritten the contents of the required file. The file will now return the name of your SVG how it's stored inside the bundle.

import Provider, { Asset } from 'asset-provider';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import upload from './upload.svg';
import file from './file.svg';

export default class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Provider uri=''>
          <h1>Upload <Asset name={ file } /></h1>

            Upload file: <input type='file' name='file' />

          <button> Upload <Asset name={ upload } /></button>
