
Hyperswarm transport for Ataraxia P2P messaging

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ataraxiaHyperswarm from '';



npm version Dependencies Typedoc

Hyperswarm transport for Ataraxia. This transport discovers and connects to peers using a specific topic via the public Internet using Hyperswarm.


npm install ataraxia-hyperswarm


Create a transport that will connect to and discover peers based on a specific topic:

import { Network, AnonymousAuth } from 'ataraxia';
import { HyperswarmTransport } from 'ataraxia-hyperswarm';

// Setup a network over Hyperswarm
const net = new Network({
  name: 'name-of-your-app-or-network',

  transports: [

    new HyperswarmTransport({
      // Topic used to find peers
      topic: 'Unique Topic',

      // Setup anonymous authentication
      authentication: [
        new AnonymousAuth()


// Join the network
await net.join();


  • new HyperswarmTransport(options)

    Create a new instance of this transport.

    • options
      • topic: string, topic used to discover peers. The transport will attempt to connect to other peers using the same topic so making it unique to your app or use case is important.
      • authentication: AuthProvider[], providers to use for authentication of found peers.