
Awesome and typesafe unit converter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import awesomeConverter from '';



Awesome Converter

Awesome and typesafe unit converter

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An awesome and typesafe unit converter for NodeJS


Install with yarn:

$ yarn add awesome-converter


const {convert, definitions} = require('awesome-converter');
const {inspect} = require('util');
// Or for babel / typescript:
// import { convert, definitions } from 'awesome-querystring';
// import { inspect } from 'util'; ==> Note that this requires @types/node !!

// Just pass required arguments
// expected output: 0.22046244
console.log(convert(100, 'g', 'lb'));

// Specify decimal precision
// expected output: 0.22
console.log(convert(100, 'g', 'lb', {precision: 3}));

// Will not work if you pass units of different groups
// expected error: Cannot convert incompatible unit of g to m
console.log(convert(100, 'g', 'm'));

// Log all supported definitions
console.log(inspect(definitions, {showHidden: false, depth: null}));



Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


Copyright © 2019, Favna. Released under the MIT License.

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