
A highly configurable , feature packed and awesome fake rest api server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import awesomeRest from '';


Awesome Rest

A highly configurable 📝, feature packed 💥 and awesome 😎🔥 fake rest api server.




  1. Highly configurable
  2. Custom defined Data Models
  3. Validation Checks using built-in operators
  4. Predefined routes for CRUD Operations
  5. Query String filtering using built-in operators
  6. Data Storage in json file
  7. Awesomeness ;)


npm install --save awesome-rest


The server builds itself upon a configuration object. The configuration can be provided as a json file or as a JavaScript object. Check the examples for more.

// First import all the good stuff
const { createServer, DataTypes, CrudRoutes } = require("awesome-rest");
// ... continued

// Define your Data Models
const dataModels = {
  User: {
    schema: {
      name: DataTypes.String, // Setting just Data Type. No Validation options
      email: { // SchemaItem object
        type: DataTypes.String,
        isEmail: true,
        required: true,
      password: { // SchemaItem object
        type: DataTypes.String,
        required: true,
        minmax: [6, 14],
      age: DataTypes.Integer, // Setting just Data Type. No Validation options
      address: {
        // Custom Nested Object
        street: DataTypes.String,
        pinCode: DataTypes.Integer,
    includeTimestamps: true,
  Post: {
    schema: {
      title: { // SchemaItem
        type: DataTypes.String,
        required: true,
      description: { // SchemaItem
        type: DataTypes.String,
        max: 500,
      likes: { // SchemaItem
        type: DataTypes.Inteer,
        default: 0,
    strictStructure: true,
    includeTimestamps: true,
// ... continued

// Defining the routes for the models and the endpoints we want on these routes
const { CrudRoutes } = require('awesom-rest')

const restRoutes = [
    resource: "user", // this allows us to make requests to /user
    model: "User", // model name is case-sensitive
    routes: [ CrudRoutes.ALL ],
    resource: "post",
    model: "Post",
    routes: [
// ... conitnued
// Creating a config object

const config = {
  port: 5000,
  db: {
    name: "db.json", // Optional. If ommitted, defaults to "awesome-rest-db.json"
    removeExisting: true,
  models: dataModels,
  routes: restRoutes,

// Build and start the server




The following options can be set on the configuration object

Configuration Options

| Property | Description | Type | Default | Required | | - | - | - | - | - | | port | The port on which the server listens | Integer | 8080 | ❌ | | db | Configuration options for the json db file | String specifying the name od the db json file or a DB Options option | db.json | ❌ | | models | User-defined Data Models to be used for storing data | An object in which every property represents a new data model and contains a model object. | None | ✔️ | | routes | Lists the routes to be set for different resources and models. | An array of Route objects | None | ✔️ |

DB Options

| Property | Description | Type | Default | Required | | - | - | - | - | - | | name | Name of the db json file | String | awesome-rest-db.json | ❌ | | removeExisting | If the server is restarted with removeExisting set to true, the previous db file ( if it exists ) will be emptied | boolean | false| ❌ |


| Property | Description | Type | Default | Required | | -| - | - | - | - | | schema | Defines the structure of the model | Schema object | None | ✔️ | | strictStructure | Determines whether the structure is strict. Learn more here | boolean | false | ❌ | | includeTimestamps | If set to true, aautomatically inserts the createdAt and updatedAt fields to the entity on create operation and updates the updatedAt field on update operations | boolean | false | ❌ |

Whenever you create a new model entity using the CREATE route, an id field is auto-generated. id cannot be set manually by passing it in the request body.


A Schema is basically an object which depicts the structure of your data model. Specify the properties of the model in this object. Each property has to specify it's data type.

Data Types

List of available data types :-

  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • String
  • Date
const { DataTypes } = require('aweosme-rest')

DataTypes.String // 'John Doe' 
DataTypes.Integer //  200
DataTypes.Decimal // 49.99
DataTypes.Date // A String in dd/mm/yyyy format e.g. '03/11/2021' 

The value of a property in the schema object can be either of these things :-

  • A data type set by the DataTypes object
    { // Schema Object
      propertyName: DataTypes.String // DataType
  • A SchemaItem object.
    { // Schema Object
      propertyName: { // SchemaItem object
        type: DataTypes.Integer,
        required: true,
        // other options ...
  • A custom nested object
    { // Schema Object
      propertyName: { // Custom Object containing nested properties
        nestedProperty: DataTypes.String, // DataType
        anotherNestedProperty: { // SchemaItem
          type: DataTypes.Date,
          required: true
        oneMoreNestedProperty: { // Custom nested object
          // ... more properties 

NOTE: A Schema cannot contain fields which are autogenerated and handled internally by the package. These are the id, createdAt and updatedAt fields.


| Property | Description | Type | Default | Required | - | - |- | - | - | | type | The data type of the field | Data Type | None | ✔️ | required | Determines whether a proeprty is absolutely necessary. If set to true, this property needs to be set when creating an entity | boolean | false | ❌

The following are operators you can add to the schema item object on a property of your schema to specify what kind of data is allowed to be stored in that particular property

| Property | Description | Applicable on Data Types | Type | |-|-|-|- | lte | Less than or equal to | String / Integer / Decimal | Integer | lt | Less than | String / Integer / Decimal | Integer | gte | Greater than or equal to | String / Integer / Decimal | Integer | gt | Greater than | String / Integer / Decimal | Integer | len | Matches length to the supplied length | String / Integer | Integer | isEmail | Checks whether provided string is a valid email | String | boolean | range | Checks whether the input is in between the given range | Integer / Decimal | Range Options

NOTE: When lte, lt, gte, gt is used on DataTypes.String, then the respective checks are performed against the length of the string.


Range Options

| Property | Description | type |-|-|- |from|The lower bound of the range|integer |to|The upper bound of the range|integer |inclusive| Specifies whether the end values should be considered. Default is false| boolean


A route object has the following structure

  resource: "ENTER RESOURCE NAME",
  model: "ENTER MODEL NAME",
  routes: [] //Specify which routes you want this resource/endpoint to have from list of pre-defined routes. Check list below


The resource property specifies the request mapping. For example, if the resource is user, then you can send requests to http://localhost:PORT/user as per the routes you have added.


Each resource ( request mapping ) HAS to be associated with a model. Model cannot be blank. The model name is case-sensitive and should be exactly as defined in the models object.


The routes array contains the list of routes you want to be defined on this resource. The list of available routes are

| Route Name | HTTP Method | Description | Format | Example | - | - | - | - | - | GET | GET | Retrieves all entities of the model. Results can be filtered using a query string | /resource/ or /resource?foo=bar | /user/ or /user?foo=bar GET_BY_ID | GET | Retrieves a particular entity using the id property | /resource/:id | /user/12wa3 | CREATE | POST | Creates an entity of the model. Data of the entity should be sent in the body of the request. | /resource/ | /user/ | UPDATE | PUT | Updates all the entities using the data sent as the request body. You can update a subset of the persisted entities using a query string | /resource/ or /resource?foo=bar | /user/ or /user?foo=bar | UPDATE_BY_ID | PUT | Updates a particular entity using the id property. The data used to update should be provided as the request body | /resource/:id | /user/12wa3 | DELETE | DELETE | Deletes all entities of the model. You can delete a subset of the persisted entites using a query string | /resource/ or /resource?foo=bar | /user/ or /user?foo=bar DELETE_BY_ID | DELETE | Deletes a particular entity using the id property | /resource/:id | /user/12wa3

NOTE : If you want to register all the routes on a model, you can just specify CrudRoutes.ALL in the routes array


Query String

A Query String can be used to filter results in various routes as mentioned in the routes section. A query string can be used in its general form ?foo=bar. Two additional forms are also supported for the defined routes that allow using operators and filtering using nested properties.

  1. Using Operators - The list of supported operators are lt, lte, gt, gte and len. The usage of these operators can be found here. Operators are used in a query string as ?param_operator=value. For example :- /age?age_gte=18. This query returns the users (who have an 'age' property) who are 18 years of age or older.

  2. Nested Properties - If your schema has a property which has nested properties in it as shown below, then you can filter entities based on these nested properties. Nested properties can be used in the query as ?property.nestedProperty=value. For example :- /user?name.lastName=Doe returns all users with the last name of 'Doe'. You can nest properties as deep as you like, ?property.nestProperty.nestProperty.nestProperty=value

name: {
  firstName: DataTypes.String,
  lastName: DataTypes.String