
Complex Math Calculator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import axCalculator from '';


Npm Ax-Calculator

This is a quick mathematical calculator

npm npm

Last added feature

  • Angle measurements system



npm i ax-calculator


yarn add ax-calculator


<!-- unpgk -->
<script crossorigin src=""></script>

<!-- jsDelivr -->
<script crossorigin src=""></script>

<!-- external file -->
<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
  • index.js
// In the dots you will place the class you want to use
import { ... } from 'ax-calculator'

Classes and their operations

Please be informed of every change that is made to this calculator, many more operations are being added that can help you and an example of use is given.

Basic Operations

  • Sum, substract, product, division, module, root, raise to
BasicOperations.sum(2,5,8,4,11) // { result: 30, toNegative: [Function: toNegative] }
BasicOperations.substract(304, 20, 51) // { result: 233, toNegative: [Function: toNegative] }
BasicOperations.product(35,1,9) // { result: 315, toNegative: [Function: toNegative] }
BasicOperations.division(25,5) // 5.00
BasicOperations.module(40,4) // 10.00
BasicOperations.root(1296, 4) // 6
BasicOperations.raiseTo(3, 5) // 243


  • binary to base 10, to base
Base.toBase(20, 4) // -> 110
Base.binaryToBase10(1001) // -> 9


  • Sum, substract, product, division, simplify, destructure
Fractions.sum(1,2,-4,6) // 1/2 + (-4/6)-> -1/6
Fractions.substract(-5,2,4,7) // -5/2 - 4/7 -> -43/14
Fractions.product(10,2,-5,4) // 10/2 * (-5/4) -> -25/4
Fractions.division(5,3,7,2) // (5/3)/(7/2) ->10/21
Fractions.simplify(154, 6) // 77/3
Fractions.destructure("12/5") // { top: '12', bottom: '5' }


  • Secoond degree
// 2x² - 3x + 3 = 0
Equations.secondDegree(2, -3, 3) // Output: { x1: '3/4 + 𝓲√15/4' , x2: '3/4 - 𝓲√15/4'  }


  • What percentage is, percentage of, percent from percent, total from percent
// What percentaje is 12 out of 30?
Percentage.whatPercentageIs(12, 30) // 40.00%

// How much is 7% of 39?
Percentage.percentageOf(7, 39) // 2.73

// If 30% is 10, then 60% is...
Percentage.percentFromPercent(30, 10, 60) // 20

// If 10% is 20, the total is...
Percentage.totalFromPercent(10, 20) // 200

Rule of three

  • Simple
RuleOfThree.simple("direct", 10, undefined, 60, 90) // Output: 15


  • Functions return information about triangles

/* Output:
  hypotenuse: 'k√17',
  opposite: 'k',
  adjacent: '4k',
  sin: 'k/k√17',
  cos: '4k/k√17',
  tan: 'k/4k'

Linear Regression

  • Simple
var array_x = [100, 90, 80, 45, 50, 50, 60, 40, 25, 20];
var array_y = [3, 5, 9, 10, 20, 21, 24, 24, 27, 35];

console.log(LinearRegression.simple(array_x, array_y));

  a: -0.34788,
  b: 37.28128,
  equation: '-0.34788x + 37.28128',
  coefficient: [Function: coefficient]


  • Triangle, rectangle, circle, square, square2, trapeze
// ...
Area.triangle(4, 3) // 6 // 25π
// ...


  • Hypotenuse, to romanized, log, factorial, double factorial, combinatorial, fibonacci, divisors
Operations.hypotenuse(7, 9) // -> √11.40
Operations.toRomanized(420); // CDXX

// log5x = 4
Operations.log(5, null, 4) // 625

// 4!
Operations.factorial(4); // 26

// 10!!
Operations.doubleFactorial(10); // 3840
Operations.combinatorial(7, 3); // 35

Operations.divisors(25); // [ 1, 5, 25 ]



    0,  1,  1,  2,  3,  5,
    8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,


  • Sum, Substract, Product, unit vector
// (3, 6) + (2, -7)
var vector_a = [3, 6];
var vector_b = [2, -7];

// Sum or sustract returns object
Vectors.sum(vector_a, vector_b)

    x: 5,
    y: -1,
    expression: '5i - 1j',
    cartesian: [ 5, -1 ],
    unit_vector: [ 0.98, -0.19 ]

// (2i - j) • (5i + 2j)
Vectors.product( [2, -1], [5, 2] ) // 8

// (-3, 5)
Vector.unitVector(-3, 5);

System of equations

  • Double
var equation1 = [1, 2, 10];
var equation2 = [2, -1, 5]

console.log(SystemEquation.double(equation1, equation2))
// { x: 4, y: 3 }

Chemical elements

  • Show, obtain by group, obtain by family
// You can enter the name, symbol, or atomic number of an element to obtain its details, 
// if you do not enter anything it will return the complete list."H")

    simbol: 'H',
    atomic_number: 1,
    atomic_mass: 1,
    name: 'Hydrogen',
    group: 'I A',
    type: 'Non-metal',
    electroegativity: 2.2

//  I A, II A, III A, ...
ChemicalElements.obtainByGroup("I B") // object

// You will place the family of the elements you want to obtain
ChemicalElements.obtainByFamily("Halogen") // object

Angle measurements system

  • Radian, Centesimal, Sexasegimal (toRadian, toCentesimal, toSexagesimal)

// 2π/5
AngleMeasurements.radian("2/5").toCentesimal() // 80

// 40ᵍ
AngleMeasurements.centesimal(40).toRadian() // π/5

// 45°
AngleMeasurements.sexagesimal(45).toCentesimal() // 50
